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Find Your Reset Button

Find Your Reset Button


Find Your Reset Button and Return to Center

Knowing when to return to center, and having the awareness of the need to find time to reset, will transform feeling overwhelmed into peace. The idea behind an energetic reset is: when life presents us with many challenges, negative experiences and situations, it’s really a call to center and to re-balance. To continue out of balance sets off a domino effect, which might look like illness, bad luck, or relationship problems. It’s similar to when the washing machine becomes unbalanced, the load is not in equal distribution. This motion of spinning, while in this condition, results in progressively worsening imbalance until the washer is dancing out of position.

Everything that you do has a ripple effect and is felt by others. It ripples out and is felt on an energetic level by everyone. What difference will you make in the world? On days when energy is low and you are struggling, ask yourself: Do you need to take time to reset and come back to center? The act of pausing and being aware of your mood is the first step in changing your energetics.

The scale of emotions also correlates with the chakra system. The beliefs you have accepted hold an emotional charge. You can become more specific on the details of each emotion and the beliefs surrounding it. The information of how you are experiencing it is held in your energy center and that is projected into the world. When you look at each chakra, consider the theme and function of the chakra and also the archetypes associated with it. It is in this way you draw people and situations into your life. You are creating your reality to validate what you are feeling.

You have to process emotion in order to release. How do you release? First acknowledge that emotion has a beginning and an end. What makes an emotion linger are the stories we spin by attaching thought to the emotion. This, in turn, creates belief systems, which keep us on an emotional roller coaster. Want to change a belief system? Examine your thought and find the emotion behind it. Is it fear, lack or maybe self-worth? What is the emotion that charges and energizes this belief? Allow the feeling to come up and embrace it. Let it be until it dissipates.

There are times when addressing an emotion when you will experience it in layers. You release, yet more bubbles up. Keep processing as it will dissipate layer by layer. Overwhelm is also an experience you may have when processing. While distraction must be used consciously and not as a mechanism to emotional stuff, it can be useful occasionally with discretion.


Easy Reset Techniques To Try

A technique that can be helpful is exercise. This can act as a reset by taking you out of your head where the thoughts and emotions linger and into your body. If you are artistically inclined, sketching, painting or any creative project will work.

These techniques act as a bridge. Taking you from one vibrational level and through a creative or physical activity, it allows you to reset and flow into another.

Breathing exercises are great if you can’t take a break and only have a little time. Take a deep breath, breathing in through the nose to the count of four, filling your lungs and abdomen with air. Then, exhale to the count of four emptying both your abdomen and lungs of air. Again, breathe in through your nose and out through your nose all to the count of four. Once more, breathe in through the nose and exhale through your mouth.

Tapping (EFT) is also a good mechanism to redirect your attention while tapping on certain points (meridians). Tapping acts much like acupressure or acupuncture with neurolinguistics programming. This changes the energy flow and allows greater ease, while decreasing the level of intensity of emotion.

You can also use bath salts, sugar scrubs and essential oils (aromatherapy) to shift, re-balance, and reset. Here are recipes for cleansing and grounding:

Basic sugar scrub:

1/2 cup olive oil

1 cup sugar

20 to 30 drops of quality essential oils

Mix together and rub onto wet skin of arms, legs, torso, neck and shoulders. Breathe in the scent. Rinse off and pat dry. Caution, this can make the tub/shower slippery!

See Also

Basic bath soak:

2 cups sea salt

2 cups Epsom salt

4 cups baking soda

Mix together and add one cup per bath when filling the tub with water. After tub is full, add 10 to 20 drops of the essential oils. Relax and soak for 15 minutes.

Note: These recipes were created by Dara Tegtmeier (, who specializes in making organic products. Using your own favorite scent will allow aromatherapy to relax, re-calibrate and reset!

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About the Author

Lynn Zambrano supports empaths and highly sensitive people all over the world. She writes and shares her perception and experiences so all may understand, grow spiritually and discover their purpose. Do you have a question for Lynn? Visit or email Lynn at

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