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Teresa de Grosbois: Igniting Wildfire

Teresa de Grosbois: Igniting Wildfire


Teresa de Grosbois: Igniting Wildfire

Interview by Shawne Duperon

Teresa-de-Grosbois-october-OMTIMES_coverTeresa de Grosbois is an international speaker, trainer and best-selling author. She has been featured on television, radio and print media across the globe, including CBC, Global, CTV and City TV. She is passionate about teaching others to play bigger and to generate wealth by creating more powerful relationships with others, both locally and internationally.

Teresa de Grosbois is an expert on growing influence and generating word of mouth. Teresa de Grosbois teaches you how to build relationship with and gain endorsement from influential people, and even become influential yourself. Focusing on understanding the habits of the highly influential and the common mistakes to avoid when connecting with them, you can learn to develop lasting, deep relationships with influential people you respect and admire. In a world where paid advertising is rapidly becoming ineffective, Teresa de Grosbois teaches how to create and succeed with influence and word of mouth.

As the founder and chair of the Evolutionary Business Council, Teresa de Grosbois leads an international, invitation-only council of speakers and influencers who are focused on teaching principles of success.

Teresa de Grosbois’s extensive background in business includes leadership roles in several organizations as well as having sat on the committee which author’s one of the most widely adopted international management system standards in the world (The ISO 9001 quality management systems standard).

Teresa de Grosbois is a big thinker and a big doer. An avid outdoor enthusiast, she has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with her two daughters to raise money for schools in Africa. Teresa de Grosbois believes it is possible to eradicate poverty by changing the way people think.

As a hobby, Teresa de Grosbois writes empowerment children’s books to raise money for schools in developing countries. As living proof of her ability to generate powerful relationships, she has taken all three of her children’s books to bestseller status on Amazon in only 8 months using only word of mouth marketing techniques.

See Also

Teresa de Grosbois is one of the preeminent speakers in the world on influence and creating word of mouth pandemics. Teresa de Grosbois gets to the basic limiting beliefs that get in the way of building relationship with influential people and becoming influential. One of the key fundamentals Teresa de Grosbois teaches is to give influence to get influence.


Exclusive Interview with Teresa de Grosbois

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