The Cosmic Law of Action and Reaction

Healing the World with the Cosmic Law of Action and Reaction
by Dr. Paul Haider
For every action, there is a reaction. For every movement, there is a countering movement, and so there must be a countering force for everything in the Universe. This is the natural law of action which God, the Universe, and the One and Only has put into place. Nothing is separate from these natural laws, yet most people think that the Creator fulfills every wish and whim.
If we understand this law of action, we can heal everything on this planet.
Wish fulfillment is a misconception, which has brought about the downfall of all those who think that everything will be given freely. In a way, everything is given freely. For a man to be paid, he must first work; for grain to be reaped, it has to first be sown. Thus, this process goes off into the far reaches of the multiverse. This law of action is also part of the entanglement of matter; anything which changes here will change there even if it is thousands of miles away. Scientific studies on entangled matter have been done over and over again with the same results. Therefore, all entangled matter has a give and take.
We also have entangled minds. If we ask for this or that, there is a need for a spiritual effort on our part to make this happen, which is called faith. Faith is the other side of the Yin and Yang, which is the positive and the negative. When we ask for something, we create a void or negative, so that void must be filled with that which is a spiritual positive, and it is FAITH. Give and take is all part of the law of action’s grand process, as it is impossible for one to be fulfilled without the other.
If we ask for money to help during times of need, it will not be dropped in our laps without the negative void being balanced out with the positive vibration of faith. If we ask for lots of wonderful figs to grow on our fig trees, they will come with our efforts to till the soil, add nutrients, and water the trees, which is also called love. Subsequently, when we give positive spiritual effort towards growth love and our spiritual faith, great changes happen as a reaction to the law of action.
We spiritually ask for something, something is given in return in order to appease that spiritual fulfillment. In addition, it’s important to see everything as a living being, it’s all God, the Universe, and the One and Only. Everything is the body and soul of God. Thus, we plant our trees in the soil of God, and we plant our thoughts in the rich soul of the Universe (God). This goes back to the great spiritual understandings of the Native Americans, who understood that everything was the Great Creator.
Finally, it is an important aspect of the law of action to give, because whenever we give, we give to the Great Creator, God, and the One and Only. When we give, a positive vibration is put out into the Universe, and automatically that which needs that positive vibration, whether it be a person, a bit of material matter or a thought, that energy is assimilated. Then, the energy fills the void of the need which is the negative. Therefore, all things are constantly in a positive (action) and negative (reaction) flow.
When a person keeps asking, asking, and asking for everything all the time and there is no effort put into place to create a positive flow, a negative tally is created because there is no faith. It’s important that love (and love is faith — and faith is love) be given in order to keep the flow of Universal abundance moving. Love creates love, and giving creates giving. The flow of energy, which is both positive and negative, nurtures our soul. One is given, and the other is absorbed with faith. It’s all Creation and the Great Creator’s law of action, in the end.
We have the power to heal this world by putting in more love, which is also faith. We can heal this world by giving more of whatever we have, which is also love. The great cosmic law of action is very simple yet very complex, but it’s important that we understand this great cosmic law of the Universe so that we can heal all ills on the planet and every single being that lives upon the planet. Our purpose is to love and to give as we keep the flow of Universal abundance flowing for all eternity. If we go out and love, if we go out and give, we can heal everything.
About the Author
A Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, Dr. Paul Haider helps people to recover and feel healthy. You can find Dr. Haider on Facebook by searching Dr. Paul Haider and Healing Herbs.

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