The Soul Shift Dilemma

By Stewart Pearce
It seems that one of the most intense schisms existing in our lives today, particularly in the areas of religion, relationships, societal values, money, and spirituality, is the difference between fear-based and love-based thought.
What reality do you desire? – for everything you want lies on the other side of fear.
The current shift from the Lions Gate Portal of 8:8, to the Full Blood Moon on September 28th, means we are all experiencing a vast potential force arising from the Planets and Stars, the Solar Deity and the Galactic Heart. This activity requests that we make a brave transition to a higher level of vibration, to Enlightenment, and as we experience this we move from competition to collaboration, from fear to ecstasy, from ambition to inspiration, from hate to love, from control to freedom, from guilt to innocence, from worry to prayer, and from scarcity to a belief that abundance lives ever-present, as an eternal quality within the spirit of the Cosmos. Yes, our Divine Blueprint stirs within us to recognize that if we are to experience the truth of ABUNDANCE we must move like molten gold throughout the whole Cosmos, we must become co-creative with the Cosmos, we must live the love that pulses within the Cosmos, because this vast force lives within our cells!
The shimmer of this metaphysical principle suggests that a self-organizing, self-correcting template lives hardwired within our cells, indeed within in each aspect of our reality, and is formed by the invisible hand of the Divine. Every aspect of our lives – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – lives within the integrity of this principle, just as it simultaneously lives within us. Therefore, your body and all your creativity are programmed to literally thrive, through an expression of this force that knows no other bounds, and which automatically disentangles any feeling of scarcity from the Soul. Otherwise, what is the unseen force that brings the ovum and sperm together, and through rapturous ignition enlivens and animates the flowing currency we call LIFE? What is the mighty Oak Tree grown from the tiny Acorn? What is the Egg that hatches the wee Chick? What is this touch of God that raises human beings, and other life forms from the door we call death?
Praise this dear ones see your internal and external landscape as a means to awaken this golden part of yourself. Feed this level of being, nourish this quality of force, embolden this ray of certainty, and surround yourself with empathic like-minded people, as well as engaging in health practices such as regular Sonic Meditation. Find whatever is pure and necessary and sacred to lift you into Joy and Bliss – dance, sing, make love, be in nature, meditate – do whatever makes your heart sing, so that your Bliss can shine brighter and brighter and brighter!
Those who are able to meet your energy will naturally be magnetized towards you – those who are negatively triggered by you, will simply bounce off and drop away. Do not concern yourself with this, for people of a lower vibration, who keep close counsel with ‘ego, rage and control’, will be triggered, whilst you will glow with this intense luminescent Golden Light. Do not feel responsible for them….do not take any of there negative behavior personally……do not let your force dwindle with their caustic lack of care, love and grace!
When people are triggered they tend to explode all over one, so just walk away, don’t engage, don’t try to fix it. You haven’t caused their defensive displeasure. Live the new maxim of employing detachment – feeling a ravishing stillness deep within you – then observe their actions with no disdain but with compassion, knowing that in another moment of your life this could have been you.
It is the robust energy that you are, that gives others the opportunity to shift, and most people don’t want to shift, because shifting means looking at their own shadow, and it’s much easier to project negativity onto other people, rather than to take responsibility for yourself!
Create a bubble of Golden light around you, stay inside it, feeding and protecting yourself by the light of the great Sun, for this light is the force of Divine Creation working through you. Yet, constantly look out from within, at the paradise that is yours – the land of milk and honey, which again is made from, and lives through, the invisible hand of the Divine. The adhesion for this is God’s love, and this is what makes all abundance.
Ask the Solar Deity and the Angels of Atlantis to help you with this creation. Be humble and pray for easy passage from fear based thinking to love based feeling. Forgive yourself, and others for thinking thus, or for behaving poorly, and simultaneously create all your process from this Light. Know you are now connecting with the Divinity of this light, which flows through you with unlimited, and abundant creativity.
We are all moving through a vast transition, and so remember to respond only to the light beams of the Solar Deity – the Sun – for these rays are recalibrating your DNA with the love of the Galactic Heart. Be gentle with yourself, remember you are never alone, for the Angels of Atlantis are all around you, and therefore ask for their grace to flow through your all your days and nights!
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About the Author
Legendary Sound Healer, Master of Voice, Angel Medium – STEWART PEARCE was the Head of Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy London, helped pioneer Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre between 1997-2010, and has coached many award winning actors including Eddie Redmayne, Matthew Goode, Hugh Bonneville, Vanessa Redgrave, Minnie Driver, as well as, Diana Princess of Wales, and the LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS. Stewart is the author of four books and two divination oracle decks: “Angels and the Keys to Paradise”, “The Angels of Atlantis” Book & Oracle, “The Angelic Heart Sigils Oracle”, “The Hearts Note” and “The Alchemy of Voice” all published by Findhorn Press. For more information please visit

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