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Fasting Removes Blocks To Success

Fasting Removes Blocks To Success


Creating a successful business takes perseverance, consistency, and strength, even when it’s something you love. When you turn your spiritual calling into that which supports you and your family financially, it becomes more than your passion, it becomes a responsibility. There are mundane tasks you need to take care of every day to make sure the business runs smoothly and, most importantly, that it makes money.

Whether you’re gifted artistically or simply want to share your love and compassion to help as many people as possible, taking care of the day to day necessities of running a business can be a drag at best or at worse a fearful experience. Why? Because most of us are holding on to negative conditioning about money in the very cells of our bodies. We think we need to be a certain type of person or behave in a certain way to make lots of money, and being wealthy usually has negative connotations attached. We carry so many blocks to abundance that the energy of unlimited potential is unable to flow through us freely like it should. Ultimately, it comes down to the feelings of unworthiness that most of us carry to some degree. It’s deep. The very act of being born in this physical dimension means we inevitably carry some sense of unworthiness with us. The further we are from Source in our sense of being, the deeper the feeling of separation and unworthiness we experience.

With this in mind, the degree to which we can be happy and successful in business and life in general is directly proportionate to our realization of our own self-worth and to our connection with Source. Before I continue, let’s clarify one thing. You are worthy by the very nature of being in existence. Worthiness is at the core of your essence. When you feel you are not worthy, it is merely something blocking the flow of energy in your being. You can never be unworthy, but you can form blocks in the perception of your own worth. We all have a clear path to Source, we just tend to build barriers on the path that only we can break down.

In order to manifest true joy and success in life, it’s just a matter of removing those pesky blocks. Sounds easy, huh? One powerful tool I have been blessed to discover in my quest to remove mental and emotional blockages in my life is intermittent fasting. There’s a reason why so many ancient texts speak so clearly on the subject of fasting.

Processing food takes an enormous amount of energy. When we give our digestive systems a break by fasting, our body is able to focus all its energy on healing. Our body vehicles are incredible. They are intelligent, and they will use energy to send healing wherever it is needed most if just given the chance.

Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies do not work independently. They are connected. When we work to heal any one of our bodies, the healing will be felt in the others. When we fast and allow healing in the cells of our body, we not only release physical toxins, but we also release the blocked, toxic emotions that hold us back in life. These are the blocked emotions that stop us from accepting the full flow of abundance that wants to course through us.

As a result of fasting, our bodies become healthier and so do our emotions and mental attitude. Fasting helps grow confidence and self-esteem. As we grow in confidence and self-esteem, the path to Source begins to open up, and we are able to experience more and more self-worth.

At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that creating a successful business requires perseverance, consistency, and strength, and it just so happens that these are qualities you’ll cultivate as a result of fasting. Do you ever feel out of control? Like you just can’t seem to get organized? Fasting will help you find new levels of self-discipline. The very act of fasting requires self-discipline, which admittedly can be the reason many don’t start in the first place. When you get past the first two or three days of a long fast, you feel such an incredible sense of achievement that you just want more of that feeling! The longer you fast, the more self-discipline you build and the more you are able to achieve. This filters through into all areas of your life.

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There are different levels of fasting you can do, including giving up one or two meals a day, fasting without food once a week or fasting for up to 40 days at a time on nothing but juice or even just water. While any type of fasting helps to build self-discipline, I highly recommend longer term fasting of around ten days on only juice if you want to experience a deep detox on all levels of your being. If you’re new to detoxing, you might want to start with a three-day juice fast, and then increase the length of your fasts from there. The more you practice fasting, the easier it becomes with each time removing another layer of the nasty physical and emotional goo that does not serve you.

A routine I recommend is to fast for ten days on nothing but liquids four times a year, which means doing so every three months. As you go through the fasting process, you will no doubt experience the symptoms of detox, which can show up in physical ailments being released and toxic emotions like anger and shame coming up to be let go. It’s important to remember when you go through these experiences that it is all part of the process of transmutation and transformation. What you are left with after the cleansing is greater clarity, discipline, self-esteem, confidence and joy; all of which helps you build a prosperous business and abundant life.

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