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A New Light-Body & Losing Weight

A New Light-Body & Losing Weight

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Does your light-body need a cleanse?

A New Light-Body: Lose 15 Pounds in 30 Days and Keep it Off

by Nancy Oakes



Like the blow from a brilliant gold trumpet, the news awakens humanity to personal empowerment and spiritual awareness and is causing the evolution of a new human species. A new rhythm of life has been born as humanity reconnects to sacred inner divine power. With that new rhythm is the awareness of a changed light-body and its purpose. We are reprogramming and rewiring our thought processes through our new light-body and shedding old paradigms that have not served humanity for a long time. This shedding has made us aware of harmful and unhealthy food choices, which has caused the human body to age and deteriorate with the diseases of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Healthy organic food choices, juicing and how to raise vegetables has become the hot item of the decade. Why? The sacred universe is guiding us to heal our sick and obese light-body.

Why is the new human destined to be in a light-body? Because of the awakening, the evolved human recognizes and rejects any food or chemical that is or can be harmful to the new spiritual light-body. This awareness creates a broader understanding of how to protect and nurture our bodies. The new light body responds to energy and vibration, and it is sensitive to the many aspects of the environment in which we live and operate.



As an example, let’s break down a woman’s body weight of medium size. She weighs 125 pounds, is medium built and 5’2” tall.

1 -Skeleton weight is 12-15% of your total body weight.

2 -Skin is 16%

3 -Intestines – 7.5 pounds (4 pounds for the large intestine, 3.5 for the small)

4 -Lungs – 5 pounds (2.5 pounds each)

5 -Liver – 3.2 pounds

6 -Brain – 3 pounds 8; Heart – 0.6 pounds

Therefore, your body weight should be calculated on twice what your skeleton, skin and the 22.8 pounds the organs weigh. For example, a healthy weight for a small size, medium built woman of 5’2” would be around 125 pounds.

18.75 lbs. is a skeleton

20 pounds is skin.

Organs weigh 22.8 —-0r—- 61.55 pounds X 2=123.1: equals a healthy total body weight.

Today, doctors are arguing that 20 pounds over your healthy body weight is obese. The same formula can be applied to any person based on gender and proportioned to body size, small, medium, and large.



After 30 days, this way of nurturing your light-body will become your new lifestyle. You will feel better, have more energy and see improved changes in your skin and hair.

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Begin by drinking good water, with no fluoride, chlorine, or other chemicals. There are many good filters systems available today. You can purchase live, healthy water at the grocery stores or health food stores. Do your homework, don’t believe what you read on the labels. To begin a good fluid detox, you must empty your bladder at least once every hour. Water is also essential for the entire intestinal system to work efficiently.

When asleep, the organs in your light-body slow down since this is a time of rejuvenation. Therefore, you are in a safe zone. Don’t rush the morning calls to eliminate—a magnificent bodily process for elimination of dead cells and other substances that collected in your bladder and intestinal system. You will adjust by how much intake is necessary to complete this process according to how many times you go to eliminate particularly during the day. Water is essential for overall good health, and it is the only fluid intake you need. When coffee and tea is a must, just use live water.

You can go without food for a period. You can even go without water for a short time and survive, but you must eliminate waste from the light-body or you become toxic. This toxicity can produce lack of energy, depression, and even permanent damage to organs and cells.



This includes white bread, pasta, white potatoes, pizza crust, and crackers. The rule is: if it is white, do not eat it. Also, avoid fried food processes. If it is in a box or at the fast food window, do not eat it. For thirty days, prepare your food using organic chicken, fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits. Get out the old crock-pot and cook pinto beans. You do not have to look far for help in preparing healthy meals for your light-body, because OM Times Magazine, social media, and the Internet are beaming with great recipes and suggestions for a healthier you.

If you must eat out in a restaurant, order better choices. Salads are everywhere even at most of the fast food stops. Therefore, that is no longer an excuse to eat unhealthily. Journal your results, you will be amazed at the change to a new light-body.

This information is a suggestion for those who are concerned and who seek to align with the awareness of promoting better health habits. Ask your doctor before beginning a new lifestyle if you have chronic medical conditions.


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About the Author

Nancy Oakes is CEO of Sacred Lifestyle Wellness Center. Her studies include psychology and cultural anthropology. Nancy’s book, Return of Sophia Mother of the Universe, is available on She is the creator of “Heart Art,” an empowerment therapy based on the return of the feminine and aligned with the colors of the Chakra energy points. Read more about Nancy at, and her site:

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