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Raising Consciousness

Raising Consciousness


When it comes to raising consciousness, you may think you can’t help someone in trouble by also jumping overboard. Or can you? This is what we will explore here. Perhaps you can, if you know how to swim, and have conscious intention. Naturally, we are all angry and sad and fearful thanks to recent events. But you may not dwell here in this mournful space too long.

Why not? What Does Raising Consciousness Take?

by Jena Griffiths



Here’s a Map of Consciousness. The landscape of the inner journey that each of us, and all of us as a species, is here to make. Going from the lower levels of frequency to the higher on our journey home.

Publisher’s Note:

The referenced Map of Consciousness is copyrighted by Veritas Publishing.  You can learn more or acquire a copy of the Map of Consciousness at


Hawkins on the mechanism of letting go:

“Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it. The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it, or moralizing about it. It means to drop judgment and to see that it is just a feeling…It is resistance that keeps the feeling going. A feeling that is not resisted will disappear as the energy behind it dissipates.” (p. 20)

Hawkins originally believed it took many lifetimes to make this journey but in his last book, shortly before he passed, he changed his mind, saying it could be done rapidly. Each level of energy, or consciousness, measures a different frequency, and has a different “attractor pattern.” “Like goes to like.” Yet, on some level, we are all one. One collective ocean of consciousness. Each of us weighs in, tipping the scales for the collective, one way or the other.


Raising Consciousness: What can you do to help?

Two hundred is the tipping point. This is the level of courage. Above this level, you are expanding. Below it, you are contracting. If you drop from previously above +200 to now below -200 you are subtracting rather than adding light. We need you to be expansive now. Not tomorrow. Not next year. The more inner work you have done the more we need your presence right now.

This is why you may not mourn too long. Rather than seek revenge, or sink into fear or despair or anger, do whatever it takes to manage your own energy field. Not through repressing your feelings but through transmuting them into spiritual power. This is actually the only thing you do have control over. You can choose to change your own level of consciousness and go about raising consciousness as part of the collective.

Rather than go to war or commit suicide, commit instead to a daily practice of rigorous self-discipline. Commit to raising and maintaining your level of consciousness, no matter what. Perhaps this is actually the real reason you are here now, on this planet at this moment in time. The world needs you. This is an inner battle. Always our greatest. Not an eye for an eye. You may not sink to the level of what you believe is your enemy’s battleship. This would be like unplugging the ocean. For we are all one.


What Techniques Help in Raising Consciousness?

Some well-known techniques of raising consciousness include Gratitude, Mindfulness, Meditation, Music, Dance, Play, time in Nature, Prayer (if it uplifts you); anything that makes you feel happy and expanded. Take time out each morning to re-calibrate your energy field. Just by taking a few minutes of time to make yourself happier, you will soon notice big changes in what you experience.

Lesser-known techniques of raising consciousness:

Locate where you are right now on the map above. Clarity about your position is a big step towards freedom.

Always tell the truth, including to yourself about your current location.

Use your thoughts as a compass and a compassion aid. Your thoughts pinpoint where you are on the map and therefore which feeling state you need to surrender. Likewise with other people, their thoughts are not their thoughts. They simply reflect where they are on the map right now.

Feeling deep compassion for another is perhaps the fastest way to help another release any contracting emotion.

Stop believing your thoughts. Surprising as this may seem, your thoughts do not belong to you. They emanate from the universal mind related to each level of consciousness. Each feeling state generates thousands of thoughts on that frequency. As soon as you let go of a particular feeling state the corresponding thoughts disappear.

Surrender to your feelings. This sounds like the exact opposite of what we should be doing but you can’t let go of something until you actually hold it.

Some other, neglected ways for us to raise our level of consciousness include:

See Also

– lose our sense of self importance

– consider how we are resisting joy and let go of that resistance.

Says Hawkins, “As we let go of negative feelings, there is a progressive movement up the scale to Courage and then beyond, with increasing effectiveness, success and more effortless abundance…..”


How to put conscious surrendering into action regarding pain in the world?

Feel your sadness or anger deeply without re-igniting this feeling state with your thoughts. This will only last a few seconds or a few minutes at most provided you do not fuel the flames with a story. Then rise back up immediately to the level you previously worked so hard to achieve. If this seems too hard, then just shift to the next level. If you are despairing or fearful, then shift to anger. It is actually a higher frequency! If you are angry then shift from anger to courage or beyond.

Locate the feeling. Is it your chest? Throat? Behind your eyes? What does it feel like? Allow it to vibrate and even increase. Don’t attach any story to why you are feeling this feeling because as soon as you do you are breathing your life force into more of that. Instead feel the energy to release it. Then hold a clear intention for peace and love.

Back to jumping overboard to help someone drowning in their emotions. If you know how to let go of feelings consciously, teach someone else.


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About the Author

Jena Griffiths is a master hand analyst who helps people shift on this map using fingerprints as a navigational aid. She has been on a spiritual path for 20 years. She lives in Switzerland, writing, consulting, teaching, and offering workshops internationally. Join her in Findhorn next May. Her website:

Reference: Illustration and excerpts by David R Hawkins, Letting Go, The Pathway of Surrender, 2012, Hay House.

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