What is Prana: Free Energy & Life Force?
by Guy Steven Needler
Prana, or life force, is an aspect of free energy; it is that which the physical vehicle (human form) uses on all its frequency levels to perpetuate its existence. It can also be called Ki (Japanese) or Chi (Chinese). The human form is designed to use this energy in isolation, not needing to metabolize energy from the gross physical – food. Free energy is an energy that pervades the multiverse. It is energy that hasn’t been given function is, therefore, always available for use and is mainly attracted to the possibility of/for evolution. From our human perspective we need to understand that the human form assimilates free energy in the higher frequencies associated with it, it is part of the structure of the human form whilst not being part of it.
The chakras work by funnelling free energy down to usable energies that the human form can work with. The chakras have vortices that deal with a different frequency set, each chakra is therefore associated with, and therefore predominantly represented on, the auric layer and the subsequent energies to which they are aligned. So the base chakra, the first chakra, is associated with the first auric layer and the associated energies, and the crown chakra, the seventh chakra, is associated with the seventh auric layer and the associated energies. Those chakras and auric layers in-between the first and seventh are subsequently associated with their relative auric layers energetically and frequentially, as well.
Although the chakras bring in all these energies separately, they create a composite energy, made up from all those energies received by the chakras, that can be used by the human form, in all its gross physical and spirituophysical aspects. Energy levels associated with the human form that are above the chakras (not yet recognized by many spiritualists) can cope with “raw” free energy, but the gross physical needs to work with energy of a certain tolerance. The chakras therefore create this “composite energy,” almost like a new energy for the physical human form to work with, to move the muscles, energize organs, and provide longevity to assist with the varying parts of the human form that are not grossly physical. The human life force is, therefore, a composite energy of a certain frequential bandwidth that is created by the chakras from the energies associated with the seven energy levels that are part of the gross physical and the spirituophysical aspects of the human form – those of the chakras.
Prana & Free Energy Throughout the Multiverse
Free energy is the same, no matter where it is in the multiverse. It is inside and outside of everything; it fills the gaps, it is there to provide substance. It has always been in existence, and was there when our creators’ creator started to gain its rudimentary intelligence.
Free energy is totally recyclable, it can never run out, and although we use it, it never depletes. Using it and creating function with it, regenerates it. It is like having an electric motor that drives a pulley that rotates an alternator, which generates enough electricity to power the motor and cope with the inherent losses in the system and subsequently rotates the alternator to create electricity to power the motor. It is like a potential energy machine. It is an energy which can never be used up, ever, because it is always there. The process of using it creates it; it is self-correcting and self-organizing.
As a singular energy, free energy has a level of rudimentary intelligence, an intelligence that makes it want to be part of itself, even though it is everywhere, pervading the multiverse. It is a form of consciousness, although limited in its application. It can be separated out, but in doing that, it is also recreated. It is part of the structure of the multiverse, it is never actually lost.
Prana, or life force as an aspect of free energy, has both consciousness and sentience. Its consciousness is the attraction to self and the recreation of self when used. The energy that is used by the human form when free energy itself is being used; e.g., by the muscles and the organs etc., is called electricity. It is a by-product of its use and a trigger to recreate it. Its sentience and structure is such that it is a fundamental component part of the multiverse, and therefore, as a result, it maintains the sentience and self-aware intelligence that is inherent with the higher function of the multiverse.
What Happens to Prana, Life Force, When the Body Dies?
A human body therefore cannot function without this life force energy. When an aspect (soul) of our True Energetic Self (or “TES,” can also be called the over-soul, godhead, or higher self) moves away from the human form to return to communion with the TES, and the human form subsequently demises, all of the free energy, the life force, or Prana, that is associated with the human form removes itself, and recycles itself, because it is attracted to “itself.” All of the energetic structure that was part of the human form, the plexuses, the hara line, the chakras (major, minor, and mini), the auric layers, the meridians, etc., including other higher energies associated with the human form, dissolve to become free energy again.
Upon its demise the components of the gross physical aspect of the human form should be reused for the benefit of other incarnate entities through the use of donation. However, even if the gross physical is cremated, the energy is regained and converted back into free energy, including that used as an accelerant, such as gas or logs in a funeral pyre. When a human body is buried, the energy converts back to free energy in a different way, converting the free energy back into the earth via the decomposition process. There is a waste process involved in this instance however, and that is identified as the time taken to decompose. The longest time being the decomposition of the skeleton, this can take thousands of years.
Considering the future, when incarnate mankind evolves to the point where we are more in control of our “selves” we will be able to deconstruct our physical form, re-converting it back to free energy at will when we have experienced that which we planned to experience as an incarnate being. In this epoch of higher frequency existence on the earth, the energetic side of us could, should it so wish, take the physical form anywhere it desired.
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About the Author
Guy Steven Needler is the author of the following books published by Ozark Mountain Publishing: The History of God, Beyond the Source Books 1&2, Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, and the upcoming The Anne Dialogues. http://www.beyondthesource.org
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