3 Ways We Can Heal the Waters of the Earth

Water transmutes, transforms, transfers and transmits information. Most people have heard of the work of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, who popularized the knowledge that frequency physically alters the structure of molecules in water. He showed us that water infused with love forms perfectly symmetrical water crystals, much like a snowflake. On the other hand, water that has had hate projected into it takes on a non-symmetrical form, basically a messy blob.
When water is programmed with the love vibration it reflects the perfection of God that is pure divine love. The water literally becomes purified. The purer the emotion of love, the purer the water. The planet herself is made of 70% water, and our human bodies, as part of the Earth, contain almost as much. When we fully comprehend this we can appreciate the power that water has to heal the planet and all living beings who live upon her, as part of her.
There seems to be an increasing number of incidents being reported about the contamination of water in recent years. From the poisoning of the water supply in Flint, to the constant stream of radiation that is pouring into the pacific ocean from Japan. Our water is desperately crying out for our help. It’s time for us to wake up, listen and take action. Each and every one of us has the power to take an action that makes a difference, and it’s simple to do.
As mentioned earlier, water transforms, transfers and transmits information. With the power of our consciousness we can infuse water with our intention. Science has proved this. By filling our waters with love and peace, we can quickly spread that energy until it floods the entire planet. As conduits for divine healing power we each have the ability to heal the waters and it’s time every living soul knew this.
3 Ways We Can Heal The Planet’s Waters
1) Bless your food and drink
Gratitude is one of the highest forms of love. When we give thanks for our food we channel the energy of gratitude into it, and then when we ingest the food that gratitude is taken into our bodies, blessing every cell. This consistent practice helps to raise our vibration, and thus the vibration of all beings on planet Earth, with whom we are interconnected.
Here is an example of a non-secular prayer/blessing:
“Thank you great spirit, universe, God [whatever feels comfortable to you] for providing me with this food. May it bless my body, every cell, sending the message that ‘I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you’. I give thanks to all beings that have made this meal possible, and wish all beings to be happy, nourished and free. Blessed be, and so it is.”
We can also bless our food with sound when preparing it by playing solfeggio harmonics or chanting over the food. For example, when preparing food or drink chant ‘peace’ three times over it. Three is the number that manifests in the material dimension (3rd dimension), and so it is said that repeating an intention three times manifests that intention into physical reality. The number three connects the body, soul and spirit.
2) Charge crystals and give them to natural bodies of water
We can charge crystals with our prayers for peace and love for all beings on Earth. Ask the crystals to delete any non-loving energies they come into contact with, including radiation and pollution. Clear quartz works especially well for this purpose. When charged, toss the crystals into any (and every!) body of natural water, such as a river, lake or ocean. Like water, crystals are also powerful conductors of energy and when prayer infused crystals touch the water those prayers will be multiplied and amplified rapidly. The prayers in the water will evaporate, forming clouds. These clouds will create rain and our prayers will fall to the Earth far and wide, touching souls and activating the water molecules in their bodies. This is science!
3) Open portals at lakes and rivers flowing to the ocean.
We can open portals of peace at bodies of water that will allow golden light to enter and infuse the water with peace, again spreading it worldwide. We can simply ask Mother Earth to help us safely open a peace portal and affirm that only pure love and light may enter or exit the portal and that all healing effects must be for the highest good of all in the manifestation of peace on Earth.
If we use the power of our emotions, our own water, to transmit our loving energy into the waters of this planet we can raise the consciousness of the entire world. Feel the love and transfer it into the water so that the water may transmute all that is not love into love. The impact we can have on the healing of this planet by doing this is almost unfathomable. Let’s bathe our Mother Earth in love and heal our beautiful home so that she may be ready for the new era of peace.
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