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Dear Source: Ask and You Shall Receive

Dear Source: Ask and You Shall Receive

Dear Source OMTimes

Connect with Dear Source…

Dear Source: Simple Truths, Simply Written

By Suzie Daggett



Dear Source is a stream of consciousness query to Source, the ultimate energetic presence in all life, focusing on soul and human-interest stories. Written from the authors’ perspective in a grounded inspired manner this post presents easy to understand life lessons.


Ask and You Shall Receive

Dear Source…so many times we humans utter this prayer to you.

We are hoping and praying for an answer to some issue, problem or dilemma. I know I use it and, thankfully many times answers appear.

However, they do not appear like magic or every time a request is made. Perhaps my motive or a deeper trust in the Universe is needed. There are many interpretations for this phrase including the one I personally like best by author Neil Douglas-Klotz in “Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus”. His interpretation: “All things that you ask straightly, directly, from inside my name, you will be given. So far you have not done this. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full.”

I am not a scholar nor am I a biblical reader, but I do feel that this phrase directs us to trust in the process as Jesus, the Universe and divine energy guides us. It can be as simple as my quick request recently. I was on a walk and wanted to take a short cut. That would require someone to open a locked gate for me to pass through. Most days I never see anyone at the gate, but today I whispered my desire – “I would sure like to take the short cut “ – and, yes, there was a man walking his dog who kept the gate open for me. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing highly spiritual, yet, I expressed my desire, trusted in the Universe and enjoyed the rest of my walk in with a smile and in gratitude for how the world can work. It is divine confirmation when synchronistic situations are placed in front of us as an answer to a thought or desire. It is our job to receive and notice what is given when we ask, how and why we ask and then express deep gratitude.

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About the Author

Suzie Daggett spins real-life advice with ageless wisdom. The result? Life flows, your soul & ego balance, your intuition amps up. Suzie is a speaker, writer and intuitive business consultant. She is the author of From Ego to Soul and PEARLS ~ 52 Contemplative Insights.

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