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2016 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

2016 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

Astrology Forecast May 2017

2016 Virgo New Moon – September 1, 2016

2:03 AM PDT / 5:03 AM EDT / 9:03 AM GMT

2:03 AM PDT / 5:03 AM EDT / 9:03 AM GMT

9 Virgo 21

Astrology Forecast for the 2016 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discusses the 2016 Virgo New Moon and Solar Eclipse, click the player below:


OMTimes-Experts-Kathy-BiehlFor our Astrology Forecast, we have an exciting month ahead. The 2016 Virgo New Moon targets the uncertainty, tentativeness and just plain weirdness that have characterized so much of the year.

None are a match for the wallop of a reset this Moon is activating. It’s bringing clarity, stabilizing and a greater awareness of where exactly this year has been leading.

They come with an air of purifying and simplifying, of inevitability bordering on fatedness, and also a touch of relief. No more floating, wondering and feeling unable to get off center. We’re starting to get somewhere, at last.

The playing out will continue for months, not just weeks. What happens in September alone, though, is enough to take our breath away, not to mention specific people and situations to boot.

Appropriately for Virgo, work is a package deal with these gifts. The 2016 Virgo New Moon comes with a massive clean-up campaign, mentally, physically and energetically. The coinciding has a pronounced whiplash effect, jerking attention to various points in the past (from last month to 1997) at the same time it yanks us decidedly forward.

The 2016 Virgo New Moon is a solar eclipse, the characteristic responsible for the massive reset, reboot, and power-up we’re undergoing. It’s launching the next to last round of the current eclipse cycle, which began at spring 2015 and continues into March of 2017. (They hearken back to 1997-98, so themes from that time may be spiraling back for examination and reworking as well.)

This cycle is on the Virgo/Pisces axis, which spans the extremes of worldly existence and unhooking from the physical: logic vs. faith, intactness vs. immersion, service vs. martyrdom, health vs. addiction, practicality vs. transcendence.


Since September of last year, the first of each of those pairs has called for greater attention, with Jupiter bringing his powers of optimism and expansion to them as he’s traveled through Virgo. He finishes this current tour of duty on the 8th, which makes this New Moon part of the wrap-up and ending of the process of the last 12 months.

Jupiter’s imminent departure is one cause behind the look back, work and clean-up vibe of this New Moon. Another comes from Virgo’s ruler Mercury, god of gab, gadgets and getting around.

Mercury is exactly conjunct with Jupiter, acting in complete unity, at this New Moon. The cosmic messenger has just begun a three-week retrograde through Virgo. His contact with Jupiter — the guy who ups any action he’s around — makes the impulses of the retrograde bigger, bigger, bigger as the two planets move apart.

Their teamwork means that we’ve been through some of this territory before and likely had hints then of what is transpiring now. (Particularly where unhealthy boundaries, habits, and situations are concerned. You already know what they are.)

The double action also adds to the drama and magnitude of what’s unfolding. And dramatic it is.

Even with the beginnings and cycle-start inherent in a New Moon, any eclipse, even a solar, always entails a blackout and departures. It’s akin to a scene change in a play: The stage goes dark, the crew moves props and set pieces in and out, and players exit, enter and take new places.

The twist, this time, is that when the lights go back on, cleaning tools and supplies are on the stage. We’ll be tidying up after the previous act(s) while saying our lines and moving the current action forward.

See Also

Despite the clarity and precision of Virgo, we do not know exactly what we’re dealing with, as the 2016 Virgo New Moon begins. Cracker smoke is filling the stage. Some people are wearing masks. The set is in disarray and confusion.

Go with your instincts. The 2016 Virgo New Moon is traveling with the North Node of destiny, which is working like a tractor beam guiding us forward, whether we consciously know it or not. Its presence adds to the pervasive irreversible, life-changing, fated quality of all the comings, goings, and developments under this eclipse.


Your instincts are also more reliable than surface evidence just now. Not only are Neptune and his cosmic fog machine opposing the New Moon, but they are also gearing up for the last of three exact squares to Saturn, coming September 10.

The lord of formlessness has been butting heads with the lord of form all year, and their clash has spun off clouds of lies, confusion and weirdness in general that’s put sanity in widespread question. Some of that is infusing the New Moon, and will stay with us (sigh) as the eclipse’s effect stretches into next year.

Take heart, though: Some of those clouds will, in fact, clear or at least begin to die back this month. Mercury’s retrograde is taking him within spitting distance of the mutable grand cross that suspended us in mid-air in June. His journey is made for big reveals, along the lines of Toto pulling a curtain back and exposing a little man working the controls behind the booming voice and floating head of Oz.

The revelations will take care of themselves. So will the reboots, resets, and refreshings. Resistance is futile. This Virgo eclipse is wielding an insistent cosmic broom that sweeps very clean indeed.

Work with it. You’re cleaning, improving and protecting the boundaries for more than you may realize. Including a launch pad that will prove pivotal at the end of the year.


OMTimes Experts Classes

Learn more in Kathy’s online classes through the OM Times Expert Platform: Intro to Astrology You Can Use (Free!); How to Handle Mercury Retrograde and Astro-Overview of Fall 2016 (Welcome to the New Normal). Listen live or hear the recording afterward.

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