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Can You Find Life Happiness with Psychic Security?

Can You Find Life Happiness with Psychic Security?


by Veronica Lee

Why Intuitive Insights Do Not Ensure Accuracy or Joy

There are a few things to know when it comes to ‘psychic security.’ Many believe that developing one’s intuition – or getting information from a professional psychic – will ensure that they will “know” whatever they need to know, when they need to know it. There is a false sense of “all will be well once I know the answer” kind of security. This is not only unrealistic; it is a set up for disappointment and can distract you from the deeper gifts available from intuitive insights.

Our intuitive senses are, well, senses. And, given that they are metaphysical (denoting “beyond” or “behind”), they are a bit less tangible than our physical senses – though one may experience physical sensations through psychic awareness. Although it may be mindbogglingly awesome to have some “spot on” intuitive insights, it’s important to understand that intuitive senses are prone to the same misperceptions as our other senses. When undeveloped, intuitive discernment is tricky to say the least. Yet even as the professional hones in on mastered psychic skills, the information offered may not be accurate all of the time. Why is that?


What To Do, When Senses Mislead You?

First, notice how often your own senses mislead you. I swear I heard someone knocking!… I’m sure I saw the light was green!… It didn’t taste spoiled when I ate it!

When filtering extra-sensory perceptive information many things may be happening at once; sounds, words, feelings, body sensations, images, colors, and complete “knowings” can bombard the intuitive, whether novice or professional. Receiving and delivering intuitive information is a multi-dimensional form of communication. It takes practice detecting, interpreting and finally translating such ethereal perceptions. Even the best communicator can sometimes misunderstand what’s being conveyed and respond inadequately.

Another reason intuitive insights can be “inaccurate” is that we are complex human beings with an array of beliefs, feelings, fears, and tendencies. Let’s say you are trying to psychically “peg” another person so you can “know” his or her romantic intentions toward you. A psychic read can tap into another person’s deep-seated fear, such as “I don’t trust anyone because I was abandoned,” and detect a closed heart. It can pick up on the person’s behavioral tendency; “I love the sexual charge of new attractions.”


Can It Be More? There is Always More

And, of course, it can read the person from a higher soul level; “I wish to transcend my relationship issues and open to real love.” All of these perceptions may be concurrently true, yet from which aspect the person chooses to act will impact the outcome.

When it comes to psychic predictions and insights, here is a good analogy: If you are driving up a U.S. highway heading toward Canada, you could stop at a gas station and ask, “Am I going to get to Canada?” The local, who might know the route like the back of his hand, could reply, “Absolutely.” Essentially, the local is basing his answer on your intention to get to Canada as well as the highway and direction you are travelling.

Noticing that you are travelling by car, not bike, he may also be able to predict how long it will take you to get there. The response is only as good as the considerations at that instance. The local has no control as to whether you decide to turn around and go to Mexico, or if you change course or vehicle and take the long, scenic route to Canada.


Psychic Security – Sensing the Excitement

Whether they are your own intuitive insights, or those offered by a professional psychic, it is absolutely possible to make fascinating and accurate predictions! Although this can be extremely exciting, and even feel promising, psychic “knowings” don’t mean you will be forever joyful. True joy is not based on having certainties in life.

See Also

Sometimes the initial attraction to obtaining psychic information is the sense of security that it might offer, and many of us equate security with happiness. Yet security is an illusion. Sure, we all long for “enough” money, a forever love relationship, a solid roof over our head, and optimal health. As much as these things can make us feel good, they don’t guarantee authentic joy nor are they promised to us indefinitely. Life happens. People get sick, jobs change, lovers leave, roofs leak. Since change is the only constant, we must find ways to unlock joy within us, amidst perpetual change.


Knowing What You Know is Empowering

You already have extra-sensory perceptions. Whether your own or from a professional, relevant psychic insights generally validate what you already know on a deeper level. If you choose to further develop your own abilities you – like the professional – will still be perfectly, beautifully human. As with money, relationships and good health, being psychic – acknowledging what your metaphysical senses tell you – can certainly be pleasurable. A deepening of your senses, psychic awareness expands your capacity to experience the multi-faceted richness of life. It can open you up to new aspects of your amazing being.


About the Author

Veronica Lee is a Spiritual Mentor and Mystic who shares insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe. Grounded and intuitive, her guidance validates essential soul truth, cultivates personal empowerment, and encourages the cultivation of joy. Her YouTube show, Whole Soul Revolution, reveals her authenticity and courage to bring vision and tools to our awakening planet.

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