Can Good Feng Shui Increase Libido?
I have had menopausal women ask me if Feng Shui remedies can increase their libido. This is a fair question because some of modern Feng Shui’s popularity has been riding on New Age notions about Romance and Marriage corners of the house. Certainly, relationship scenarios are a big topic in my field, where certain house types and areas of each house which can trigger arguments or disharmony between spouses.
In a codified way we refer to some of these energies, it is the “4” star that is related to sexuality and flirtation. The flying star “7” is also related to sex. These numbers are derived from the calculations done on a structure based on when it was built and its magnetic compass orientation. The numbers represent an unseen magnetic field.
For example, if a bedroom hosts the 4 or 7 stars, then there is a stronger chance that a person may be naturally more sexually active or have more interest in sex. In fact, Feng Shui can be so specific that even the type of sexual activity engaged in can be predicted. This is usually not information taught openly in beginner’s classes; rather it is something which can be learned in a more advanced training environment.
Stimulating these energies with natural elements in a room can often attract more sexual opportunities to a person. This is built on the concept that your house acts like a satellite dish to attract people and events into your life. The elements used can include real water. But can this increase libido?
Feng Shui can be very specific in what it can predict, enhance or diminish, but sometimes we cannot resolve every problem. In the same way that there is no Feng Shui magic cure for weight loss, there is nothing so specific as to address libido. However, when a person is healthy, they stand a much better chance of having a strong sex drive. And when we remove other undermining influences which can contribute to depression, fatigue, or tension, then a predictable outcome would be an indirect boost in someone’s libido.
I have asked clients to move their bed or sleeping arrangement to be spending more time in the flying stars related to sex. Feedback from one client was that as long as she slept on the side of the bed in the area noted for this extra sexual energy, she was more interested. To be clear: the way I know what part of a bedroom may be more conducive to sex, I must work with a to-scale floor plan. This can then reveal if the bedroom has the components I am referring to, since the entire floor plan needs to be divided up into directional zones.
The theories and practices behind this ancient tradition are not about defying or overriding the laws of nature; rather, they are about going with the flow and accepting the laws of nature. There is a time in life when the sex drive wanes for many people, just as fertility eventually comes to an end. During this phase of life, there would be little Feng Shui could do to reverse that.
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Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.