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World Disasters – How Can You Help?

World Disasters – How Can You Help?

World Disasters – How Can You Help?

by Deborah King

The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another. ~ Thomas Merton

You read about all the disasters that are affecting people around the world—the ongoing nuclear nightmare in Japan, the hurricane season approaching after a devastating tornado season, polar bears perishing in Arctic waters as the ice caps melt, drought and famine in Somalia, disabled vets who can’t get a job—and your heart sinks under the weight of human suffering. People are homeless, kids are starving, homes are still being foreclosed. But what can you do?

You’re barely managing to pay your mortgage or rent, you’re working two jobs so you can feed and clothe your kids, you can’t take off to go build homes with Habitat for Humanity, and you feel guilty every time another plea for donations arrives in the mail for yet another worthy charity.

Would you believe me when I say that all you have to do is smile at the harried bank teller and be a little patient with the folks standing in line?

It’s true. To be of service to humanity in general, which sounds big and important, all you have to do is be as kind and as aware as possible when dealing with the beings you encounter in your day-to-day life. After all, we are all connected. You may not see the direct connection between being nice to the lady who just ran into your heel with her shopping cart and rescuing orphans in Africa, but it’s there.

For instance, if you hold back that nasty comment you were going to make to the lady who just rammed the back of your foot and instead tell her how much you like her earrings, maybe she’ll relax a little and look where she’s going, maybe she won’t yell at her kid who’s squirming in the cart seat, maybe she’ll be nicer to her husband when he comes home from work, and maybe he’ll treat his co-workers better tomorrow, and maybe one of them will mail that check to Africa. It’s the “pay it forward” approach to life.

So here are the top three tips for easy ways you can help:

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  1. Don’t make negative comments. You might usually judge others harshly, like that “stupid idiot” who cut you off on the freeway, but try for one day not to let highly critical or angry words escape your lips. You might be surprised at how much negativity you release into the world. Instead, try to smile at those with whom you interact.
  2. See how your work lets more light into the world. I met an incredible woman whose job was washing windows at her local MacDonald’s—a humble job that did indeed let in more light. And she received visitations from the Madonna. Even those of you in the “helping” professions are really only being of service if you are alleviating the fear and pain of those who come to you. If you are full of ego, anger, or bitterness, how much are you actually helping others?
  3. Do something nice for someone, without expecting anything in return. When I used to drive on toll roads, in the days before automatic payment passes, I would sometimes pay for the car behind me. It made me feel so good to surprise and brighten someone’s day like that! So go ahead and let someone else have that prime parking spot. As you go for your power walk, send out a current of caring to those you pass. The more you send out waves of higher consciousness, the more you will receive.

One friend I know sends out waves of love to everyone he passes as he pushes his cart through the grocery store; he is floating on air by the time he checks out! He goes through the store repeating to himself the phrases from the Buddhist lovingkindness practice: May all beings be happy. May all beings be at peace. May all beings live with ease. May all beings be free from suffering. Try it the next time you’re grocery shopping. You’ll be sending positive energy into the world and you’ll feel great!

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