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Synchronicities – Dance with the Cosmic Flow

Synchronicities – Dance with the Cosmic Flow


Could It Be Choice or Synchronicities?

We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.

Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.


Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality

Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.

We want to creep back into the logical and the rational as if the cosmic doors had not flung open. The thinking mind wants to take charge and explain away the magic and unexplainable; don’t let it. Live with the mystery and allow it to flow through the mind, body and spirit like a healing balm. Synchronicities invite us to experience life through the cosmic portal of connection and oneness. Soak in the deep rays of the universal life force current and allow it to promote and support aspects of self that we may not always have the courage to know.


Helpful Suggestions to Increase the Flow

Here are some suggestions that can help to increase the flow of synchronicities:


Ask for Synchronicities.

Simple, but true, when we ask for synchronicities, we experience them. As we let go of our expectations of how and when they occur, they naturally flow into our life in surprising ways. Just make the intent and allow the universe to manifest it.


Notice the Effect.

However big, small or insignificant they may seem to be, the effect that a synchronicity has on our heart and soul is what matters. When we notice synchronicities and embrace them, they multiply.

See Also


Communicate with Your Surroundings.

Imagine synchronicities as a form or communication with the universe. We don’t always notice when divine presence is answering and responding to our needs and requests. Synchronicities let us know that we are known and heard. They are a calling card informing us that we are watched over and that we are in the flow of our soul’s current.


Act On That Guidance.

Synchronicities alert us to possibilities and open us to higher wisdom and love. Noticing and acting on them strengthens our soul energy and guides us into the positive. Even though life can be challenging at times, synchronicities remind us that unexpected good fortune can come to us to in surprising ways.


Have Gratitude.

Live with the awareness that a wonderful, personally crafted surprise is on its way. Say, thank you, blow a big kiss and dance with the cosmic flow of the all that is. The positive and abundant energy of universal divine joy and creativity is available to us, wherever we are, and in whatever we are doing.

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