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The Forthcoming Golden Age

The Forthcoming Golden Age


by Marguerite dar Boggia

So Many Questions About the Golden Age

David Wilcock, in his book The Source Field Investigations,(1) refers to the period of the start of the Golden Age, (aka Krita or Satya age), on page 111, as follows:

“When we go back to our excerpt from the Mahabharata in The Secret Doctrine, we come across a tantalizing clue: The ancient Hindu scriptures gave us a precise time window for when the Golden Age would arrive. They associated this with a rare conjunction of planets in the solar system, thus allowing us to calculate an exact date.

“As it is said, “When the sun and moon and the lunar asterism Tishya and the planet Jupiter are in one mansion, the Krita (or Satya) age shall return.

“No calculation is presented in Blavatsky’s book for when this may occur, but Geoff Stray presents an informed opinion in his book, Beyond 2012:

“In “The Way to Shambhala”, {Edwin} Bernbaum says that the golden age will come when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter all meet in the same quadrant as the Tishya constellation (which is part of Cancer). The next time this happens will be on July 26, 2014, according to my astronomical software (Cyber-Sky).”(2)


Problems with Determining the Start Date

On July 26, 2014, Jupiter is NOT in the sign of Cancer. It is in the sign of Leo. Jupiter is in Cancer every twelve years. Examining the Ephemeris, I find that a more correct date is Sunday, July 12, 2037 at 9:00 PM.

In the Hindu prophecy, the Golden Age will start to restore the balance of nature, where there will be no starvation and injustice. Then the Messiah, who they call the “Kalki” and who the Christians call “the Christ,” will be recognized by humanity as the “World Teacher.”

The fact is that the Messiah is already here. He came earlier than expected because of the suffering of the ‘little ones.’

It is the Global Elite,(3) who control the world through a directorate of their corporations, who make the decisions. They insist on retaining their rigged economic system where the rich become richer, and countries can be emasculated and crucified as was done to “Greece.” They know that the World Teacher is here now, but they will not allow their media to proclaim it, because they would lose their power.


The World Teacher and Ancient Masters

On page 211 of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, under footnote…the World Teacher,(4) it says the following: “The Buddha held office prior to the present World Teacher, and upon his illumination, the Lord Maitreya, took his place. The occidentals call him the Christ.” This book was written in 1925 by the Ascended Tibetan Master, Djwal Kuhl, through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, through mental telepathy. (Maitreya is His personal name, as known by the Buddhists).

Edgar Cayce forecast that the Christ would return in 1998.(4a) In June 1988, the Lord Maitreya suddenly appeared before 6,000 people at a healing gathering in Nairobi, Kenya. He spoke in Swahili for 17 minutes and then disappeared. The editor of the newspaper was present and took pictures of Him.(5) This is one of the pictures: A Master of His stature has immense powers. He created his own body, which is not a real body. It is called a ‘mayavirupa.’ Bullets can do Him no harm. He can change His appearance to a child, a woman, or whatever.


Sai Baba, the Cosmic Avatar

Sathya Sai Baba of India was a cosmic avatar. He had millions of devotees around the world. In February, 1990, a party of American scientists, including a top nuclear physicist from Harvard University visited Him in India. They said, “Since you are called a divine being, make a rainbow in the sky. If you can do this, we will be convinced.”

Sai Baba smiled, bent his head for a minute, then said: “Look up.” They saw a rainbow. This occurred before thousands of Sai Baba’s followers, humbling the scientists. They are ready to talk about the truth they found; but the question remains: why do these things that Baba does, not receive coverage in the media elsewhere in the world? The answer is that people motivated by market forces control the media.(6)

While David Wilcock is correct, in that we will have a Golden Age, his timing is wrong. How can there be a Golden Age starting in 2014, without repealing the Federal Reserve System? Not all the public know that the Federal Reserve is not federal at all. It is a consortium of twelve private banks(7) beholden to their shareholders. It means that corruption is thriving in the political and economic spheres.


The Esoteric Word on the Golden Age

Esoteric Psychology I was written in 1936 by the Tibetan Master through Alice A. Bailey. On pages 123 and 124, it says:

“When He Whom both angels and men await, will approach near unto this physical plane, He will bring with Him not only some of the Great Ones and the Masters, but some of the Devas (Angels) who stand to the deva evolution as the Masters to the human. Forget not that the human evolution is but one of many, and that this is a period of crisis among the devas likewise. The call has gone forth for them to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge, unite their forces with those of humanity, for the progression of the two evolutions. They have much to impart anent color and sound, and their effect upon the etheric bodies of men and animals. …physical ills will be nullified….

“They will also teach men how rightly to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ethers the requisite food.”(8)

When the world recognizes the Lord Maitreya as the World Teacher, we cannot imagine the vibrational effect of all the Masters and their disciples and initiates living with us again on Earth. It is the equivalent of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Before this can happen, there will be a ‘Day of Declaration,’ when Maitreya will appear on the radio and television networks of the world linked by satellite.


Maitreya, the World Teacher of the Golden Age

On that day, Maitreya will mentally overshadow the whole of humanity simultaneously. All will hear his words inwardly in their own language. This telepathic communication will reach everyone, not only those watching or listening. Hundreds of thousands of miraculous healings will take place throughout the World. On that day, there will be no doubt that Maitreya is the Christ of the Christians, the Messiah of the Jews, the Imam Mahdi of the Moslems, Maitreya Buddha of the Buddhists, Kalki Avatar of the Hindus, and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet holding the position of the World Teacher. Then, His open worldwide mission will have begun.(9)

See Also

The chart for July 12, 2037 at 9 p.m. is most interesting because the planet Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer. It is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius. It conjoins, not only the Moon and Sun, but also Uranus, the bringer of change and the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, the sign for the New Age. The stellium of planets is posited in the house of children, which seems fitting, since we are the ‘little ones.’

The sign of Aquarius is that of the World Server. It is the transmitter of energy which evokes response. Jupiter and Uranus, planets of beneficent consummation, are in the fullest eventual cooperation to bring about the fusion of spirit and matter “to the ultimate glory” of the Lord of the solar system.(10)


Astro Signs in the Cosmos will Align

The sign of Pisces is the rising sign, which also seems fitting. It is the sign of spiritual aspiration and service. Neptune and Jupiter its rulers, are in a favorable aspect to it. Mars conjoining Neptune, as an aspect, signifies “the world savior”, which the World Teacher is.

There are other aspects that signify the opposition of those, who control the economies and those who are swayed by their emotions, especially influenced by Moslem clerics and fundamentalist preachers. But the Divine Plan will be implemented and a new, different, economic system will be substituted for the old one.

The younger generations will support the new changes for world prosperity, health, and free education. We will develop free energy, prohibited by the U.S. Government,(11) to replace oil, gas, coal, and the nuclear industry. All countries will share the new technologies. Eventually, there will be one world government (The New World Order), but it will not be under the supervision of the Global Elite. It will be voluntary, under the leadership of the disciples of the Masters who work for the benefit of humanity.


About the Author

Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-founder of UAC and its past Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers free, online, three pages weekly of the Esoteric Teachings as known by Pythagoras. It prepares us for discipleship. To receive these studies, contact Marguerite at her website which she created at the age of 90:


References: 1. Wilcock, David, The Source Field Investigations, Dutton Penguin Random House 2011, pg. 111 2. bid, Pgs. 111,112 3. World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How The Global Elite … 4. Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. 1925, pg. 211, footnote…the World Teacher. …”The Buddha held office prior to the present World Teacher, and upon His illumination, the Lord Maitreya, took His place. The Occidentals call him the Christ”. 4a. Cayce on the “Second Coming” 5.


6. Creme, Benjamin, Maitreya’s Teachings, The Laws of Life, Share International Foundation, 2005, pg. 145
7. Ellen Brown: Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
8. Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Psychology I, Lucis Publishing Co. 1936, pgs. 123, 124.
9 Creme, Benjamin, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, 1980, 2007, Share International Foundation, pg. 25
10. Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Publishing Co. 1951, pg. 201

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