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Is Spirituality Liberal or Conservative?

Is Spirituality Liberal or Conservative?


Do either the liberals or the conservatives have a claim on spirituality?


An Earful of Chatter, with Plenty of Prejudice

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk; that is all we hear these days!

Opinions, perceptions, judgment, condemnation–it is enough to spiral us down to the deepest depths of negativity! And then, as negativity always does, we begin to question our own values and truth. Who is right and who is wrong? Is there something wrong with me? Then the big question:


How would spirituality guide us?

There are many philosophies and spiritual belief systems throughout the world. Although we use different languages and methodologies, there are common threads with these various systems. One is love: All speak to love being all-encompassing, the source of all that is. Love should drive us, inspire us, motivate us into action. It ignites our soul and generates compassion.

Second are universal laws. All systems share some natural belief system that speaks to integrity, morality, and physicality guiding us through this “thing we call life!” We learn of these laws through sutras, stories, or metaphysical concepts. For example, all speak to the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Containment, though presented differently. Actions and choices we make produce a result.

Energy left unconstrained produces chaos. So, taking these two concepts (there are far too many to discuss in one article) of love and universal laws, how do we justify our own belief system as to whether we are liberal or conservative? And, can we find spirituality in both points of view?


Where Do We Find Spirituality?

One could say spirituality is found in neither, yet found in both! Two methodologies wanting similar results. All people want love; all people want freedom; all people want happiness, justice, and balance in their lives. Liberalism also believes strongly in equality and freedom for all. Oftentimes, being referred to as “bleeding-hearts,” they are willing to take whatever action needed based on compassion, sometimes at their own expense, to make sure that human rights are respected and given to all. It is expansive.

Conservatism is traditional. Although the conservative approach seeks the same results as a liberal philosophy, that being love, happiness, freedom, justice, their approach is more contained, restrictive. The belief is you must work hard for those freedoms and take responsibility for your own happiness.

So where does spirituality fit in and why is it found in both? The sutras and other texts often speak to taking responsibility for one’s life, working hard and being of service, whether financially or physically, and to stand with utmost integrity and morality. They speak to whatever our stature in life, rich or poor.


Compassion, Respect, and Unconditional Love

We must be generous and compassionate, be it providing jobs if you are a successful businessman. It could also mean being generous in acts of service and care-taking if less fortunate. Spirituality speaks to compassion, equality, respect for human rights, unconditional love for all treating others as one wishes to be treated. However, all texts speak to there must be balance.

A prime example of how spirituality is found in both liberalism and conservatism are the two spheres on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Chesed, and Geburah (Mercy and Severity). These spheres are the pistons of the Tree. If there is not balance between these two, the whole Tree of Life falls apart. Why?

See Also

Chesed (liberal) speaks to a surrendering to compassion and unconditional love and is an expansive energy, while Geburah (conservative) speaks to the containment of Chesed through laws and principles and is a restrictive energy. If Chesed is amplified, it is similar to a child with too much love and no parental guidance. Think of a woman who gives of herself in complete unconditional love and compassion. She may have no boundaries and be a doormat to others.

On the other hand, if you have too much Geburah, there can be arrogance, aggression, violence. Think of police officers or the military. Their energy is that of Geburah; they contain. When the two spheres balance, you have law enforcement working in compassion for the bigger picture, which is the protection of citizens. If unbalanced, there is authoritarian enforcement.


Balance in Spirituality and Energy

There must be balance. Here you find spirituality in both systems. God, or whatever reference one chooses, intends for us to have BOTH, provided it balances. There must be containment of any energy or the Tree (life) falls into chaos. Liberal, conservative…what does it matter? Both want the same thing for their themselves and families. There needs to be blending, understanding, balance of the two, mutual respect.

So, what is the problem? Currently, it appears the pendulum has swung so far to either side in recent years that we’ve lost sight of who we truly are as humans. Geburah and Chesed are unbalanced. It’s too far over in Geburah.

Solution? Let’s all work together to bring US, the collective consciousness, back into balance by listening to one another rather than fighting and displaying anger which breeds more anger and violence. Let’s merge Chesed and Geburah bringing balance back to the Tree…to life! Peace!

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