How to End a Romantic Relationship

Ending a loving relationship will be a decision that we will always remember, whether it was a right decision or not, whether it is good or bad for us, it will be something we do not forget. We may seek support, and the advice from others, but in the end, it is our decision, our life, and we must listen to our intuition.First of all, think about how it will be if you continue for another year onto this relationship, now think about being in it for 5 more years; maybe this perspective will give you an idea of what you want to do, what makes you feel good or bad. We believe that Sincerity is always very important posture in a relationship, and especially when ending one. If you are not happy, tell your partner. Explain everything that is happening to you, what goes through your head. Avoid leaving doubts. If something goes wrong, the chances of you still suffering from the end of this relationship will be enormous.
To make such a decision, it is necessary to be very realistic and make the internal resolution not to deceive ourselves, for this self-deception can harm us and hurt the other person.
To know if it’s time to end our love relationship, maybe it’s time to ask ourselves some questions; don’t look for who to blame, because a relationship consists of two people, not one. Throwing all the blame on the other person is a big mistake. The same can be observed on taking upon the responsibility of all the relationship problems too! Get the idea off your head that making yourself to feel responsible will be a way to get rid of the problem. That is not a good strategy in the long run.
We should seek to understand what has happened to our relationship and why it is failing, and how we can learn from this “romantic experience” with wisdom and patience.
If you are sure that the end is the best way for you, be firm in your decision. This does not mean being harsh but means to be determined. Do not leave uncertainties or open paths, or some open doors for a future turn back if it is not what you want, this can only hurt the other person more.
Never end a relationship by using message, email or phone. This is the worst attitude anyone can have. Never elect any of these alternatives. Instead, meet in person to talk, look in the eye the other person and solve all the issues on one honest go.
Do not be afraid to end a failing romantic relationship and do not run away. To disappear from the map without giving any explanation is a cowardly attitude that only hurts everyone involved.
Questions you should ask yourself before ending a relationship
Many of the questions that we will ask ourselves before ending a relationship will be painful because sometimes reality hurts, but it will be necessary to reflect and to understand who we are and what we want from a relationship. Ending a relationship hurts, but continuing with one that does not work, hurts a lot more.
Is this the relationship I want?
If we stop to think if the relationship we have is what we want, we will be able to get a clear perspective on what we really want. It is important to be very realistic about our relationship, as we said earlier, try not to excuse certain situations or attitudes that are not pleasant to us.
If we want something else, if we want to have another type of relationship, we probably are not with the right person. Think carefully about what you really want, not what others say, or think is best for you.
What is lost and what is gained by the relationship and the breakup?
Often, we insist on continuing on failing relationships without realizing that it may signify a personal liberation, to end the relationship with a person who does not make us happy.
It is advisable to make an analysis of the relationship and possible disruption to see what we have lost and what we have gained, but above all, it is important to feel what our heart and intuition say. We cannot ignore this feeling that we can feel in the depths of our heart.
Does the problem have a solution?
When you are unsure about what reasons make you want to end the relationship, it is important to see if there is a possibility to resolve the problem with your partner and whether or not it is worth seeking a solution to it.
For example, if the problem is that you and your partner have a lot of disagreements and argue a lot, maybe the solution is to learn to discuss with more maturity and learn how to better manage your emotions.
If you ask all the previous questions and still decided to end the relationship, you are likely to go through a complicated period, but remember that all the pain eventually will subside, and things get better over the course of time. All people need a time of assimilation. However, there will come a time when you will realize that you made the right decision with maturity and courage.
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Ascending Hearts is a dating site for those who have embraced a conscious lifestyle. Connect with your Soulmate at

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