The 7 Attitudes that Bring Happiness
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Happiness is not always something that just happens, it is a state of being you can cultivate.
Practice the Seven Attitudes that Bring Happiness
Happiness is not only the result of a great project or a long-term achievement. From meditating to organizing your bed for bedtime, there are many things that can facilitate your everyday happiness.
According to the book “The Myths of Happiness”, by the Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, from the University of California, one of the most common misunderstandings on the Happiness subject is to link it to the arrival of some life event such as a marriage, children, or a new job.
Looking for long-term satisfaction relaying on a dependence on an external factor, however, is not something healthy, according to her studies. But How about starting to be happy now?
The first thing one has to do is ask ‘what makes me happy?’. Is it to dance? Is it going out to have coffee with friends? The self-inquiry must be constant. People who do not question themselves frequently do not know what’s important to them. It is common to observe the behavior of others, but we forget that it is necessary to observe ourselves, to know ourselves better as we grow and change.
Happiness is not anything that is sought after but is something within each one of us.
Simple things such as saying thank you, for example, is one of the small everyday attitudes that improve the quality of interpersonal relationships – and the possibility of daily satisfaction. According to research published in May 2012, in the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,” a simple ‘thank you’ between couples can make the spouse feel appreciated by their partner, thereby making their commitment stronger and their relationship more pleasurable.
The long-lasting effect of gratitude goes further. It not only improves the quality of life but also affects society and positively influencing all kind of relationships. When showing gentleness and gratitude, we receive kindness in exchange, awakening goodwill and managing to reach people more deeply.
Express yourself
To exteriorize what you feel is also a necessary measure to maximize happiness. “Tell people what you feel: if you love, tell them, if you are grateful, let them know. Use words of generosity, of kindness, with gentleness.
It is true that sometimes we may not be on our best of days. When this happens, it does not mean that you can discharge your anguish over everyone. But you do not have to swallow either. It is important to smile when you feel like it; but when it’s not, it’s equally important to tell the person next to you that you’re not well, but to let them know how you appreciate having them there with you.
Being generous promotes happiness
The act of giving also weighs on the balance of joy and happiness. According to a 2008 study by the American magazine Science, “spending money on others can have a greater positive impact on happiness than spending it on yourself. Participants who were chosen to spend their money on others experienced a greater sense of gratitude than those selected to spend on themselves. “Gifting someone can bring you a comforting sense of serenity.”
Gifting without expecting something in return is even more rewarding. In giving or receiving something, there is an unconscious pressure to give back to the same measure. Not creating expectations, in addition to getting rid of this feeling of obligation, makes us sincerer with ourselves and with other people. The important thing is to show how much the person you are gifting, has added to your life, and how grateful you are.
Meditating at least a minute a day is also one of the ways to be happy every day.
According to a study conducted in May 2012 by researcher Todd Kashdan from George Mason University in Virginia; It was found that those participants in the research had greater daily contact with spirituality presented higher self-esteem, positive thinking and an optimistic outlook in life.
Meditation is a path that brings the possibility of the human being to know himself. There is no way to declare yourself fully happy without knowing yourself. Every human being can meditate, one only needs to learn. Ideally, each one should look for an instructor for clear directions but reading about it is also a way to develop the practice.
Having little time available is no excuse. There are several techniques. Just look for a place where you will not be interrupted, close your eyes to detach yourself from external stimuli, watch your own breathing and slowly follow only the act of breathing, leaving everything else out.
Reserve more leisure time:
The relationship between working less, enjoying leisure time, and being happy is a trend that has long been perceived. At a time when social importance is heavy according to its efficiency and results, leisure is relegated to those considered ‘lazy’. “There was previously a capacity for nonchalance and amusement that was somehow inhibited by the cult of efficiency. Modern man thinks that everything must be done for the sake of something else, and never for his own good, “wrote Bertrand Russell, back in 1932, in his book” The Praise to Idleness. ”
Reading is a gateway to shared experiences about happiness
During research for her book, “The Happiness Project,” blogger Gretchen Rubin claims that one of the things she realized was that making your bed in the morning was a secret to happiness. Making the bed makes everything cleaner, tidier. You can find your shoes; your room looks like a quiet place. For many people, order on the outside contributes to the calm on the inside.
If you decide to make a change, you stick to it. Making the bed in the morning is one of the first things you do in the day, and that helps make the day feel more efficient, productive and disciplined. ”
Expand your cultural Universe
A simple visit to an art museum also helps count points for happiness. According to a study published in May 2011 in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, men who practice cultural activities, such as visiting museums and galleries, are more satisfied and healthier than those who do not. Books also fit: many tips and techniques for better living, culture information and pleasurable literature are shared on the pages of books.
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About the Author
Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.
Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501-C3 nonprofit with Church status.