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8 Tips to Live a Great Life Being an HSP

8 Tips to Live a Great Life Being an HSP


If you are an HSP, Highly Sensitive Person, life can be challenging at times.

Living an Abundant Life – 8 Tips to Live a Great Life As an HSP

What makes us unique as human beings are the different characteristics that we possess. These define, in a way, the way we live and the personality we have the behaviors we adopt in certain situations. People who need to live with high sensitivity, for example, have some distinct features.

If you are or live with someone like that, in this article, we will talk about some recommendations to deal with this more easily.

Highly Sensitive People (HSP) are singular in their own way, and their perception of life is usually very different from the rest of the people.

They tend to be very attentive and can analyze everything internally with a 360dgree of level and perception, and then try to fit what has been investigated in their social environment. Also, HSP’s are cautious and always alert.

To be a highly sensitive person can be a spiritual gift.

There are those who rate this type of person with an introverted personality. However, the truth is that this feature represents only a small percentage of the HSP’s out there. Most of them are outgoing and in love with everything they do, most of the time.

This makes them live intensely and abundantly, always listening, being good listeners, observers, empathic and conscious of life.

They also tend to develop their creativity and perception at high levels, which makes them very ingenious, original but somewhat vulnerable.

There is no reason why a person that high sensibility should feel out of place or bad about itself. Just on the contrary, they must find a way to channel each of their characteristics to make the most of their abilities.


Here we gathered eight tips to live the high sensitivity life with Joy

  1. Accept Yourself as You are

If you think you have some of the features we mentioned, it’s time to start accepting them. There is nothing wrong with You, You are not sick. On the contrary, you have a wonderful gift, and if you learn to master it, in doing so, you will become stronger every day.

  1. Observe Yourself Carefully

To begin to master your fears about the traits you have, do a self-assessment.

No one better than yourself to know how you feel in situations where you are exposed to stress, grief, sadness or high euphoria along with the way You absorb energies around you. It is also very useful to know the spectrum of your reactions to all these conflicting emotions.


  1. Develop the skill of Saying “NO.”

Do not overload your mind and your life with too much information just by wanting to excel on things in life, and you have a fear on disappointing others. Simply saying “no” can sometimes help you find time for yourself and relax.

In order to be happy, it is essential that you learn to say “no.” People who do not know how to do it end up living the wishes & wants of others and doing things they do not want, which leads to their personal unhappiness.


  1. Prevent Personal Overloads

Relaxing your body, mind, and soul with a good dose of outdoor exercises, or spending time in touch with yourself and nature is always a good option. That way, you can lower your anxiety levels and regulate the strong sudden stimuli you may experience. Learn how to pace yourself as you tackle events and situations in your life.


  1. HSP of the world, Unite!

It is natural that human beings try to fit in the society to feel relatively “normal” and accepted.

It would be good to organize a group of people with their same special qualities, such as yourself. You can find one that will serve as a support or guide to learn to others their experiences about their own techniques and ways to deal with life.


See Also

  1. Look for an HSP model:

Many of us rely on people we admire, whether they are recognized artists or someone for whom we feel love, as this makes us feel identified and well in some way. In short, this step is about looking for a Model to work as your reference. Examine your parameters of compassion, of empathy, of talent other desirable qualities and build your perfect model of HSP.

  1. Create Your Own Sacred Space

A person with high sensitivity can live surrounded by many people. However, it is when she is alone and in silence that she tends to know herself better and get more out of her abilities.

A sacred space will also function as a safe space where you can retrieve if you find yourself being burned out

So, do not forget to take some time to explore yourself.


  1. Use Art and Creativity as a therapy

Believe it or not, most artists in the world are said to be highly sensitive people. Art is a channel through which you can discuss your conflicts and freely express your emotions using different languages.

You can do this without revealing too much of yourself, or at least not directly. The important thing is that you feel at ease.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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