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Understanding the Precognition Phenomenon

Understanding the Precognition Phenomenon

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Do you have episodes of precognition?

The Precognition Phenomenon

Millions of people have felt precognition in some form even if they are not consciously aware of the experiences. We all have the ability, but not everyone understands or takes the time to strengthen the skills which bring us premonitions, options, and insights into the future. Since everything has a vibration, it makes sense that when a certain intention has been set in motion, the future event has already happened and can be seen, heard and felt. Animals can feel the vibrational energy of changes in the atmosphere which create sound and frequency to foretell of inclement weather or natural disasters long before it reaches them. Energy in different forms can be a miraculous predictor of what is yet to transpire.

Many of us receive communication through our dreams. These can be vivid, detailed visits and visions in which we are shown or told of things that we know in reality have not happened yet. It can also come in an overwhelming feeling and a knowing of something though we may have no idea where the information came from. You may ask someone about a situation they never told you about without realizing they never told you. These strange occurrences are often brought to us to help us learn to validate and trust our messages, dreams, and feelings. It can be difficult to differentiate sometimes if we are prone to anxious feelings in certain situations. We learn over time how to read where the energy was created.

A person who is highly developed and channel sensitive can be in someone’s presence to get sensations from that person’s energy field which they can read instantly. Inside that energy, there are sparks of a future that is manifested by events they have already set in motion. These sparks also include all the other options and choices still yet to be decided. There can be millions of variables floating around which cannot be known yet because action still has to be taken. Some people can touch a person and tell which loved ones are near them in spirit, receiving messages of future options to consider which can manifest positive outcomes. The practice of psychometry in which objects are held or touched also brings in images and information that can help with future decisions.

We might get a flash of insight about a particular person we haven’t seen in forever, and they immediately show up. We may have a dream about a beautiful home we’ve never been to, and then we drive by it two weeks later. Coincidence is often blamed when precognition is the culprit for the staggered goings on with the energy around us. It has been written about and documented countless times. Someone has warned others about their visions and dreams of natural disasters and impending doom, bang, it all came true. Since this ability is not developed in everyone, we might tend to doubt ourselves and the metaphysical connections we are born with.

We all can use these incredible skills as we set our intent on living more intuitively, consciously and mindfully. If we desire to sharpen further our skills it helps to write down and document dreams, waking visions, messages, and empathetic feelings. When we can trust what is being shared with us through Spirit, we learn that we can actively control when, what, where and how we receive our information. Meditation in many forms can be very beneficial in opening channels, releasing negative thoughts and making room for positive energy. Many people have been able to receive transmissions from Spirit since an early age, and they no longer wish to feel so much empathy or that they are not able to control their “gift.” It can become a matter of choice to either learn to balance it into our lives or to keep it quiet. There is no judgment in the decision, but when Spirit wants to get your attention, it knows where to find you.

The consciousness is alive and thriving, running through each of us in deep and mysterious ways. The unconditional love in that spirit energy will bring in synchronicity, soul visits in dreams and blissful healing energy that hugs you in light at the times you need it most. Precognition is not about fortune telling. It’s about future making.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it” ~Abraham Lincoln.

See Also

A little insight and a lot of faith for what’s to go a long way.


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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session visit

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