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Is There Such a Thing As a Good, Bad or Unlucky Number?

Is There Such a Thing As a Good, Bad or Unlucky Number?

unlucky numbers

Do you believe in unlucky numbers? What about the number thirteen?

Do You Believe in an Unlucky Number?

By Numerologist Greer Jonas



The Infamous Number Thirteen

The number thirteen- 13, since Classical Antiquity, is the number of bad luck and is regarded as the bearer of evil things. In Holy Scripture, chapter 13 of the book of Revelation refers to the antichrist and the beast.

Some Numerologists regard 13 as the number that acts in disharmony over the laws of the universe.

At the Last Supper were present 13 elements – Jesus and his 12 apostles. On this occasion, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot.

To further strengthen the negativity of the number, as well as the fact that a meal where 13 people sit at the table is avoided, legend has it that 12 gods were invited to a banquet.

A god, the uninvited god of fire, appeared and started a fight that ended with the death of the solar god, the favorite of the gods.

Triskaidekaphobia is called the phobia or the great fear of number 13.


The Spooky nature of Friday 13

The fact that the number 13 coincides with a Friday means, for the superstitious, unlucky day.

Several stories try to explain the reason for this assignment to date. The most likely comes from the number of individuals present at the Last Supper (13) and the day after Jesus was crucified (Friday).


The Positivism of Number Thirteen

Tarot card 13 is the death card, but in the sense of the end of a cycle, therefore of change, and thus is not always associated with bad things. Therefore, by contrast, some people consider 13 the number of good vibes.

But not all was lost. In antiquity, the number also 13 received positive connotations, representing the most powerful and sublime. Thus, the tale says that Zeus was joined by 12 gods in a procession and, being the 13th, he was distinguished by his superiority. Ulysses, in turn, escaped being devoured by the Cyclops and was the 13th member of the group.

“Does my birthday add up to a good or bad number?  Should I change my name? Someone told me that my name numbers were bad.  I am asked a form of this question almost every day.

How can a number be good or bad? It is just a vibration. The direction in which your destiny unfolds depends on you. The numerological definition of your destiny will describe the challenges and inspiration that you came into this lifetime to experience.

As a numerologist, I see each number as having its brilliance and its shadow. Various numbers that appear in our lives will offer personal lessons unique to our own experiences. It is more about potential than “good” or “bad.”


Is the Number Thirteen unlucky?

Our superstitions, passed on by ancestral, societal, or religious beliefs, add to the notion of a good, bad, or unlucky number. Like the number 13, especially Friday the 13th follows this superstition. The number 13 has no scientific influence on the environment or you, nor will it cause “bad karma.” This is a belief system based on superstition and fear. It appears in Christianity (the Last Supper) as well as the Tarot (the 13th card is the Death card). Both Christianity and the Tarot have two interpretations of the number 13 — one of destruction and one of rebirth. Read more about the lucky and unlucky number 13 here.


 Good, Bad or Unlucky Number-omtimes


Typical question: “I see the number ’26’ all the time, is this a good or bad sign? Should I worry?”

Answer: No worries!:)

26 has several meanings. 2+6 =8

See Also

2 = relationships of all kinds

6 = compassion, love, and service.

The numbers ‘two’ and ‘six’ are comparably in-sync with each other. They represent how we relate to another person. How do we open our hearts? What is your interaction with your family? Is your role the defiant one or the one who holds it together?

The brilliance in any relationship occurs when the two of you inspire and empower each other. But every relationship has its shadow. Do you compete in a friendly or destructive way? Do you care more about someone than your self?


8= The sum of 2+6 = 8

The Number eight 8 has several meanings, as well. Eight is abundance and empowerment. It is about claiming your brilliance and not being afraid to be out there in the world as a charismatic leader. The shadow of number eight 8 is two-fold: finding yourself stifled and afraid to express your power for fear of rejection or jealousy, or enjoying power over others, infringing your will on someone else. If you need to have a fulfilled life, our lessons can assist us in growing and thriving. Or some people may choose to play the victim. In the latter scenario, you can blame your numbers, your circumstances, or other people for your “bad” life. It is up to you!!!

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About the Author

Greer-JonasGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, skype, zoom, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Website: Art Website:

Contact: with questions or to schedule a reading.


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