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Evolution and the Human Ladder

Evolution and the Human Ladder

Human Ladder Evolution OMTimes

The Human Ladder is a path of evolution followed by all members of the human kingdom.

The Human Ladder

by Judy Carroll  



In June 2001 a teaching was given to my friend and co-author with me of The Zeta Message, Helen Kaye, by a tall Grey Elder whom we know as Oris. He explained that the Human Ladder is a path of evolution followed by all members of the human kingdom. It expands through what he called “ten galactic levels,” which are not physical places, but rather ascending levels of expanding conscious awareness. Earth is on the very first, the lowest level, with the average Earth human able to consciously access approximately 10% of the potential 100% conscious awareness that can be accessed as we ascend/evolve to higher rungs of the Human Ladder.

The Human Ladder is not a physical hierarchy. It involves energy vibrating at ever-higher frequencies. The separation between the levels is purely energetic and has nothing to do with “good” or “bad.” The levels are simply different frequency bands, most of which are beyond the third dimension because they are multidimensional, as is the universe. These frequencies also represent the evolutionary journey of each being as well as planetary cultures. Because we all are multidimensional, every one of us has a part of our being manifesting on each of the ten levels of the Human Ladder. Our soul spans all levels on the entire Human Ladder. Self-realization involves coming to a conscious realization of this.

The average Earth-human conscious-mind focus (note this is mind, not brain) is on the very first rung of the Human Ladder. There are about another 1,000 other planetary cultures focused at this level, all operating at more or less the same conscious awareness. The amount of DNA that is activated is intrinsically linked to the level of consciousness that we’re able to access. DNA is multidimensional.

When the human mind awakens to Level Two of the Human Ladder, awareness expands to 20%, which enables fully conscious “knowing” that we are not just a physical body, but rather a spiritual entity. This soul essence has chosen to inhabit a physical body to undergo certain learning experiences. Once this concept is clearly understood, and the ability to tap into this expanded conscious awareness has been mastered, the entity can then freely leave the physical body at will and in full awareness.

Many planetary cultures and some spiritual adepts on Earth have reached this point. They can control certain bodily functions such as blood pressure and temperature and can self-heal. Some of the “star children” now being born on Earth are tapping into this level of much deeper knowledge and awareness. Thus, the Ascension Process is starting on Earth. Planets like Earth are school planets on which learning involves positive rather than negative creativity. We are all co-creators in training at this level. Thus, our training process can be quite challenging.

For Level-Two humans, physical illness and degeneration are much less of an issue. Hence, they have longer life spans. Having evolved beyond the Earth-human state of fear and disharmony, they’re much more peaceful, lacking any warlike tendencies. Life may not be perfect, but it’s certainly an improvement over life at Level One.

When Level Three of the Human Ladder is attained, with 30% conscious awareness and active DNA, the need and desire for physicality begin to drop away. One’s energy is focused much more on mind and spirit. At Level Three, the concept that we are far more than just a 3-D physical being is clearly understood. Level-Three people know that the physical body is simply a temporary “container,” or “vehicle” that can easily be stepped out of to enable the pure soul essence to manifest free of the limitations of physicality. Such liberated soul essences appear as orbs or light bodies.

Level Four and upwards on the Human Ladder is not physical as we know it on Earth. From this point on, the soul essence can consciously access higher and higher frequencies of reality and meld fully into the Oneness of Source Energy (what many Earthlings call God). As the entity’s consciousness evolves upwards through these finer levels, it moves into the “angelic” realms of Levels Nine and Ten – from planetary human to cosmic human what Earth humans perceive as angels are simply very highly evolved soul essences. They have moved beyond the need or desire for physicality, and are fully consciously aware. Such beings can take on a semblance of the physical form if they wish to make contact with beings on the lower frequency rungs of the Human Ladder. These are the “Creator Beings” who work consciously with creative Universal Life-Force Energy.

See Also

In the greater reality, our multidimensional soul spans the whole Human Ladder. In many cases, when we have contact with a spirit guide, an extraterrestrial, or an angel, it is a part of our own Higher Soul Self.

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About the Author

Judy Carroll was born and still lives in Australia. She has had 60 years of encounters with Grey ETs since her early childhood. She introduced her life-long connections to the Zeta Greys in her first two books, The Zeta Message and Human by Day, Zeta by Night. In her most recent book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, she reveals that she is a “blended” soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections—both Earth human and Zeta Grey. Judy’s mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an interplanetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, offering an understanding of present time global events, and providing guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization. For more information on Judy, please check out:

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