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Heal Your Relationship with Your Mother

Heal Your Relationship with Your Mother

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Working the feminine in us is also healing our relationship with the mother.

Heal the Feminine Through Healing Your Relationship with Your Mother



According to Bert Hellinger, a psychotherapist who created Family Constellations, and formulated the Systemic Laws of Love and Life, our personal “Success has the face of our mother.”

…the dark ancestral cave, the womb from which mankind emerged into the light, forever pulls one back – but…you can’t go home again…you can’t go…back home to the escapes of Time and Memory.

~Thomas Wolfe


He who does not achieve accomplishments in life, or ever had a successful, affective loving and enriching relationship, or had a healthy relationship with money, never attained intentional goals, or been happy in life, feels that way because “he didn’t accept the mother.” The Mother is the archetype that carries your creative powers.

To accept the mother means to take her wholeheartedly, without judgment; lovingly in the heart, regardless of how the rearing, the upbringing, and the relationship with her were; whether or not you felt loved enough or the way you imagined to be “proper;” whether unjustly punished, deprived or even feeling abandoned.

I know many people, friends, students, patients, who, hearing these words with an anguished expression of anger or suffering, claim this to be an impossible task! They fail, and many sincerely claim they do not want, to open up to the possibility of acceptance. They carry deep hurts, abnormal scars that superficially cover chronic and sometimes incurable soul wounds.

In today’s world, both men and women need motherhood, the nurturing motherly feeling, the feminine energy. By receiving this energy, it will make them independent and free.

~ Mata Amritanandamayi


However, there is no way to say yes to Life without maternal acceptance, before saying YES to our mother. Life was delivered to us through this woman: we were born from her body, from her flesh. Our body was forged in her womb through the food she ate and all the nourishment she took for us. There is a magical connection with the baby and the mother. These nutrients allowed us to evolve from the moment of conception, when two cells, motherly and fatherly, became only one; a person delivered through an act of love of Life, to trillions of cells at birth.

The oxygen that kept us alive was inhaled through our lungs. The pulsing and soothing rhythm that rocked us during the nine months we were carried in the mother’s womb came from the rhythm of her own heartbeat.

The emotions we felt, the bad ones that reflected our fears, uncertainties, and anguishes, as well as the good ones that carried dreams, hopes, desires, and ideals, both came from her soul. And from the familiar field of which she was a part of; a systemic field that reverberates the experiences of thousands of people who came before us, who’s DNA are related to us atomically and that constitute us unconditionally.

To choose to rebel, or to have restrictions about her; to judge or criticize the mother (or also the father, which has other implications), means that we think we are more significant than they are. This behavior goes against the law of the Hierarchy, also means that goes against the law of belonging and results in not making a loving exchange because we received life through her.  It is a type of behavior that creates unbalance in our lives for the lack of reciprocity. The inevitable truth is, no matter what you may think about your maternal relationship, there is a debt of gratitude that needs to undergo an energetic balance; whether you recognize it or not as real or necessary.

In short, with the choice and attitude of not fully accepting the mother, we fail to experience the three Orders of Love, the essential and fundamental Laws of relationships and Life.

We need to consider ancestral cleansing. If we’re willing to clear our energy fields of the ancestral energies we don’t want, then we are ready to do something really interesting and beautiful which is to claim a connection with the wisdom of the kinds of ancestors we do want to be in contact with. But we can’t do this until we’ve cleaned out the lower stuff that is hindering us.

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The result is the creation or continuation of a transgenerational phenomenon of family entanglement, and the subsequent failure to achieve a purposeful destiny, success, and full and happy life. These are relevant situations to be worked through ancestral healing techniques.

By increasing awareness of these issues, accepting everything and everyone as they are, we say YES to Life; this way we can transform our reality, fulfill our personal mission, and ultimately live a healthy destiny with curative effects throughout our familiar system.


Free adaptation of the working ideas and reflections of Dr. Bert Hellinger.  Bert Hellinger is a German psychotherapist associated with a therapeutic method best known as Family Constellations and Systemic Constellations. In recent years, his work has evolved beyond these formats into what he now calls Movements of the Spirit-Mind. Several thousand professional practitioners worldwide were influenced by Hellinger, but are not necessarily following him, continue to apply and adapt his original insights to a wide range of personal, organizational, and political applications.

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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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