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The Age of Aquarius and Dynamic Astrology

The Age of Aquarius and Dynamic Astrology

Dynamic Astrology Age of Aquarius Carolyne Faulkner OMTimes

Dynamic Astrology shows 2020 has rebooted the enlightened Age of Aquarius.

Dynamic Astrology and the Age of Aquarius

By Carolyne Faulkner



Traditional astrology bands the whole of humanity into 12 signs, expecting them to be the same people experiencing the same things. It’s often superstitious, vague yet predictive. Contemporary astrology is not fixed. It’s more of a wellbeing tool and has many more influences factored in, including the practicalities of modern-day living.

I wasn’t happy with the way ‘new age’ astrology was portrayed, so I created my own method, Dynamic Astrology ™, and made it cool, accessible and relevant again. Dynamic Astrology is a specific life coaching method. It’s not fixed. I don’t believe that any star, man or God chooses our fate. The future is ours to create, but we need to raise our awareness. My new astrology journal, Your Signs, comes at the perfect time as major astrological shifts are already in motion, and more are due in 2020.

I believe that 2020 has rebooted the enlightened Age of Aquarius. There are many conflicting opinions around The Age of Aquarius’s actual start date, and some believe it began as far back as the early twentieth century. According to Helena Blavatsky, the nineteenth-century Russian occultist, philosopher, author, and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, 1900 was “the commencement of the Aquarian Age” and a time when “the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter on a great change.” Despite this, some people believe the Age of Aquarius is yet to begin, though it seems that no academic, astronomer or astrologer can quite agree on it. I have studied both the prevailing and past astrology, as well as current events, and listened to many masters speak on the topic, so perhaps this summary of my research and discoveries will provide the means for you to decide for yourself.

Aquarius is the sign that provides enlightenment and evokes revolution; it promotes equality, freedom, tolerance, humanitarian ideals, awareness, and consciousness. It also triggers inventions, new technologies and most things that connect the masses, like the media and technology industries, and reaches out to connect with the multiverse and beyond. Think space travel. In short, it’s anything that serves to awaken people to the “bigger picture.” However, Aquarius also causes chaos and is extremely rebellious, which, let’s face it, can either go wrong or spectacularly right!

The rather highly prophesied “big shift in consciousness” that began in 2012 was also predicted to be the “end of time.” We know, of course, that it was not the “end of time.” But perhaps it was the “end of time” as we had known it. The year 2012 was bloody and violent, highlighting the need for humanity to adopt an attitude of tolerance and find new ways of handling negativity, and it possibly triggered a collective desire for a better, more unified world. A covert spiritual revolution swept through our weary world.

In 2012, for example, a fifteen-year-old angel stood up to oppressive Earthly demons, demanding the right for girls to be educated; America’s first African- American president was re-elected; the UK hosted the Olympics, which pumped heart, soul and the results of great teamwork around the globe; the Arab Spring protests continued against fascistic regimes; and Silicon Valley began to promote daily meditation practice in the workplace as a “must,” after a visit from a Buddhist monk. Many of us, all around the world, began to wake up and stop believing all that we heard from those in public positions of authority or what we saw in the media and to initiate the search for our own deeper truth.

Life-changing spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga, are now commonplace once again and, when combined with the ability to use the universal language of the stars, provide a winning formula, one that promotes awareness: enhancing our connections to life, the rhythms of the universe and all that lies beyond.

Does this mean that 2012 was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Many say no because it actually began in the 1960s. Perhaps it did. Saturn takes around twenty-eight years to complete a full cycle through the twelve astrological signs; Jupiter takes about twelve to thirteen years. By 1962 those planets were united in the sign of Aquarius.

However, as far as I am concerned, 2020 is the real dawning of the Age of Aquarius. We have had a few trials runs, but this one is for real, as Saturn (the queen of the planets) and Jupiter (the great teacher) join the sign of Aquarius (the great awakener). Jupiter creates expansive energy, Saturn provides structure and pragmatism, and Aquarius is all about the awakening of humanity, so this combination is rare and electrifying. You certainly won’t be bored.

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Astrological Compatibility OMTimes

Read an adapted excerpt from Carolyne Faulkner’s forthcoming book Your Signs: An Empowering Astrology Guide for 2020 below.

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About the Author

Dubbed ‘Britain’s coolest astrologer,’ Carolyne Faulkner, created the concept of Dynamic Astrology after 15 years studying with experts from all over the world. She is the resident astrologer at the Soho House Group, and her new journal, Your Signs is On-Sale.

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