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2020 Leo Full Moon Astrology Forecast

2020 Leo Full Moon Astrology Forecast

2020 Leo Full Moon OMTimes

2020 Leo Full Moon – February 8-9, 2020

11:33 PM PST / 2:33 AM EST / 7:33 AM GMT

20 Leo 00 / 20 Aquarius 00

The 2020 Leo Full Moon



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2020 Leo Full Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, or so the saying goes. It’s popping into consciousness all over creation right now. You will likely find it uncommonly personally relevant.

Are you having fun? Being seen? Getting applause or validation? Whatever your answers, you’re not going to note them with a quiet “hmmm.” They are going to fire you up, for good or not so good. They are stoking everything from enthusiasm and excitement to irritation and anger, with a big dose of motivation coming off all of them.

Inner children are in the spotlight under the 2020 Leo Full Moon. It may help to view your fellow humans as children in adult guise if you see any acting out. Or if you spy a playmate who might be fun.

A Moon in Leo is strutting your stuff, look at me territory. This is the natural home of children at play, showmen, performers, and royalty, including queen bees and drama queens. This flavor of Full Moon always warms and energizes the atmosphere. This particular one promises a lot of fun and activity – and likely theatrics and ploys for attention.

It’s more rambunctious than the Leo norm. The 2020 Leo Full Moon has direct fuel from Mars, the ruler of our drive, action, and ambitions. The cosmic first responder is nearing the end of far-reaching, adventuresome Sagittarius, where he is highly active both physically and mentally. He’s in the life of the party mode, funny, joke-cracking, optimistic, spontaneous, changeable and free-wheeling, with a bent for the outdoors as well as philosophy (which can translate into self-righteousness and “My way or the highway”).

Mars and the Moon are enjoying the unimpeded flow of a trine. As this emotional harvest builds to its crest, fire meets fire. Emotional expression and releases are high energy, impassioned, dramatic and over the top. The Sagittarius injection encourages playing with the fire, laughing at what’s coming up and not take yourself seriously.

The energy surge comes with steam and crackling. The steam might take the edge off; it might address romanticizing or deluding; it might require giving someone slack, admitting that you’re not seeing clearly, or moving your view to a more elevated vantage point. The steam comes from an inconjunct between the Moon and Neptune in Pisces, the Dreamweaver and illusionist of the sky.

The crackling points to alternative perspectives, epiphanies, and pathways to the future that may have escaped your notice. Look for them; grab them. They have the power to liberate your thinking, increase a “love me or leave me” stance and point you in a direction you want to go. The source of the crackling is a pair of opportunity aspects, from messenger god Mercury to radical change agent Uranus and from Uranus to the North Node, the way to the future. Mercury’s in the flow to the North Node, too, which means: Trust hunches, intuition and knowing; watch for information to come via osmosis and dreams.

The emotional cresting also invites accepting an evolved expression of yourself in the arena of family and ancestral dynamics, which has had a workover and restructuring since last April. That possibility comes from the Moon’s inconjunct, or adjustment aspect, to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn (and almost exactly to their midpoint).

It may be productive (a nod to the year’s heavy Capricorn orientation) to view the 2020 Leo Full Moon as a status report on how you came through the Leo/Aquarius eclipses of 2016 – early 2019. An imperative of those eclipses, and of the North Node traveling through Leo, was becoming aware of the value and reach of your unique spark, and of how people treat it.

Is your spark blazing more confidently? Are you showing it to people who appreciate and fuel it, and whose own spark grows in its light? Are you no longer wasting your spark on people who ignore or don’t see it? And safeguarding it from those who would put it out?

See Also
Solar Eclipse July 2019 OMTimes

If so, the 2020 Leo Full Moon could be a time of joy and frolicking. If not, well, you’re not going to sit quietly. Foot-stomping is more likely, either making a point or heading out the door.

The 2020 Leo Full Moon is almost exactly the degree of the Leo New Moon solar eclipse of August 2018 (not the attention-getting Great American Eclipse; that was a year before). Current events are a call back to that time, or to an upgrade in your self-expression and confidence that started at that time.

Get a timetable for project managing the year’s change in Kathy’s 2020 Astro-guide


Mercury Retrograde is coming this month.  Get ready by reading How to Handle Mercury Retrograde in 2020

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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.

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