The Sacred Festival of Wesak

Wesak is a holiday traditionally observed by Buddhists. The festival commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha.
The Sacred Festival of Wesak
A generous heart, kind speech, & life of service & compassion are the things which renew Humanity. ~ Gautama Buddha
When the star of Saga appears in the sky in the fourth month of Tibetan Calendar, Tibetan Buddhists start to celebrate the most auspicious and significant time of a year, which they call the Saga Dawa Festival. This month-long festival honors Buddha Sakyamuni, whose birth, enlightenment, and nirvana all took place in the same month and reaches its holy period (this year) between the dates of 15 April and 5 June 2020.
Believing that good deeds and prayers are multiplied thousand-fold during this period, people are much more merciful than usual. In essence, people join in worshiping at the Temple and giving out alms to needy people. During this sacred period, people are refrained from killing animals, and release captured animals (like fish) into their natural habitats with sincere prayers, making it the “Month of Merits.”
Wesak is the second of the three major Spiritual festivals, and it is also celebrated during the Scorpio Full Moon under the sign of the Taurus. Since the Buddhist calendar is of the lunar type, the celebration takes place on the first day of the full moon in the month of May. It is, in its essence, the Festival of the Birth of the Buddha. Wesak means May in the Tibetan language, and it is the most sacred day for millions of Buddhists from around the world. It was in Wesak’s Day 2,500 years ago, precisely in 623 AD, when the Buddha was born.
On this day, Buddha reached enlightenment and is said to be also the day he died at the 80 years of age. This Festival is celebrated all around the planet, not only by the Buddhists but also by many other different schools of spiritual teachings and Ageless Wisdom practitioners.
Sakyamuni Buddha’s teachings and his compassionate message, peace, and goodwill have been handed over to the hearts of millions of people who follow The Sacred Festival of Wesak all over the world and commemorate his spiritual teachings and influence on this day.
Buddha is known to be a Spiritual Maha Choan and as a spiritual intermediary between the Center where the Will of God Is known, which is Shambala, and the Center of the Hierarchy, where the Ascended Masters reside. The pursuit of men on this date should be to prepare themselves to reach a spiritual awakening and to be aligned with the syntony of the Divine Nature, a real Union with God.
This sacred period of festivities invites us all to elevate our thoughts and intentions and asking refuge to Lord Buddha, paying homage to a Divine expression of a Master in which energy renews and returns to the Earth every year to bless all sentient Beings.
The Energies that are involved in the ceremonial aspects of this Spiritual Festival are the ones from the Divine Second Ray, Love-Wisdom, and Illumination. These are potent rays that emanate directly from the Mind of God and are addressed to those that are aligned with the selfless service to their fellow sentient Beings. This stream of energy transmits the second Divine Principle that has both The Christ and The Buddha as two of its most famous expression.
The Force streams from this Illumination flow of the Second Ray aims to initiate a new spiritual education program worldwide, that will positively influence the sentient souls inhabiting this earth at this time to reprogram the way we interact with this planet and all its living systems. Many times, the influence of this Buddhic energy is not made visible. Still, it is because the Influence of the Ray of Love that is felt at the soul level, that signals the people to expand their compassion and weave a new and more benevolent fabric of Consciousness for the planet harmonically.
The Celebration of Wesak Spiritual Festival is an excellent opportunity for the awakened part of our Humanity, which thrives to answer the Inner call for Divine Service. During the Festival, The Buddhic energy streams that are released during the celebration help on the transubstantiation of the energies of desire into aspirations: Transmuting wishes into Higher Will-relieving this planet from accumulated collective Karma. In All cases, all the transformations achieved by this Festival are done through the Restorative and healing properties of The Second Ray Of LOVE, because love is a powerful regenerative, transformative and Unifying force. Love is also the primary underlining principal and primary energy that composes our solar system.
Love is an essential element of the process of healing, regeneration, and the illumination of every sentient being undergoing spiritual evolution inside of this Planetary system.
We are all living in a moment of growing intolerance and inequality, Buddha’s message of non-violence and service to others is more pertinent than ever.
In the world, there are several activities programmed to celebrate this event: In Indonesia, several functions are expected to surround the Borobudur temple. In Pathum Thani (Bangkok), Buddhists will be meditating at a ceremony at Wat Dharmmakaya. In Java, where Buddhist monks adorn with flowers, the reclining Buddha statue of Arama Dhammadipa, other celebrations are being organized.
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You will also enjoy Wesak Festival: The Spiritual Festival of the Buddha
About the Author
Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.