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Holiday Stress, Crystals and How to Cope

Holiday Stress, Crystals and How to Cope

by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.

Although the holidays are supposed to be a time full of joy, good cheer and optimistic hopes for a new year, many people experience seasonal “blues.” What’s important to know is that there are steps you can take to help beat the blues this holiday season.

The “holiday blues” can be caused by many factors: increased stress and fatigue, unrealistic expectations, over commercialization and the inability to be with one’s family. The increased demands of shopping, parties, family reunions and house guests also contribute to these feelings of tension. Even people who do not become depressed can develop other stress reactions during the holidays, such as headaches, excessive drinking, overeating and difficulty sleeping.

Although many people become depressed during the holiday season, even more respond to the excessive stress and anxiety once the holidays have passed. This post-holiday letdown can be the result of emotional disappointments experienced during the preceding months, as well as the physical reactions caused by excess fatigue and stress.

There are several ways to identify potential sources of holiday depression that can help you head off the blues:

  • Keep expectations for the holiday season manageable by not trying to make the holiday “the best ever.”
  • Set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Pace yourself.
  • Organize your time. Make a list and prioritize the most important activities.
  • Be realistic about what you can and cannot do.
  • Remember that the holiday season does not automatically banish reasons for feeling sad or lonely. There is room for these feelings to be present, even if you choose not to express them.
  • Let go of the past. Don’t be disappointed if your holidays are not like they used to be. Life brings changes. Each holiday season is different and can be enjoyed in its own way. Don’t set yourself up for sadness by thinking everything has to be just like the “good old days.” Look toward the future.
  • Do something for someone else. It is an old remedy, but it can help.  Try volunteering some time to help others.
  • Enjoy holiday activities that are free, such as driving around to look at holiday decorations. Go window shopping without buying anything.
  • Don’t drink too much. Excessive drinking will only make you more depressed.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new. Celebrate the holidays in a way you have not done before.
  • Spend time with people who are supportive and who care about you.
  • Reach out to make new friends if you are alone during special times.
  • Contact someone with whom you have lost touch.
  • Find time for yourself. Don’t spend all of your time providing activities for your family and friends.

Crystals Therapy for Stress

Crystals have both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. This means that the polarities of the crystal will change when subjected to pressure or heat (even body heat from the hands). This will radiate energy from the crystal due to this reversal of polarities.

It provides the transfer, storage and transformation of energy.

Offering a balanced energy field, energy modification, amplifies both energy and thought, clarity in thinking, and harmony and alignment with the chakra energy areas.

Any type of stress or trauma or invasion is considered an impact on our energy system that can have an effect on our overall “energy net” or aura. This can cause a distortion in our energy flow and function.

Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a traumatic event. A traumatic event involves a singular experience or enduring event or events that completely overwhelm the

Individual’s ability to cope or integrate the ideas and emotions involved with that experience. Physical trauma refers to a physical injury from a cut or bruise, accident or an event such as rape or war. These types of impact can have either subtle, subconscious effects or long lasting distortion to the psyche.

Crystals can soothe the mental/emotional impact that is associated with both psychological and physical trauma. It is important to remember that everything is energy.

See Also

Crystals grids are a great way to work with the energy surrounding us. They are reiki-charged stones that are laid out in particular patterns in order to “rearrange” our pattern of energy.

Gemstone essence or Crystal Elixirs are energy charged water or oil that takes the imprint or signature of a particular stone or stones and can be used as an essence, perfume or anointing oil.

Consider using Alabaster, Dioptase, Gold, Howlite, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Water Opal, Picasso Stone, Staurolite, Sunstone, Plume Thunderegg, Turquoise.

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