Embracing The Corruption Within
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What if we admit our own corruption? What if we recognize how we hide our corruption, making up excuses to justify it? Discovering how addictive societies promote corruption at a very young age. How we try to gain personal power by lying and cultivating certain manipulative behaviors. Deciding to become part of the resolution.
What if We Embraced Our Own The Corruption?
by Crystal Presence
Corruption is often thought of as part of human nature. Dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, abuse for private gain. But what about us? How do we lie to ourselves that the bad guys are “out there” and have nothing to do with us? What if we acknowledge that corruption starts on the inside? Remembering that it begins with an idea, a delusion that corruption can make us feel more powerful to have the lives we want. What if we admit our own corruption? What if we admit where we are dishonest, manipulative, and controlling? What if we acknowledge how we hide our corruption, making up excuses to justify it? What if we bring awareness into where we live in a fantasy world, allowing our minds to believe that it’s sincere rather than face the reality of our actual lives?
Addictive societies promote corruption at a very young age. Parents are offering us perks if we do what they want us to do. People doing and saying “nice” things, to get something from us in return. Asking to get ratings from a friend. Paying someone to get in the front of the line.
People are trying to gain personal power by lying and cultivating certain manipulative behaviors such as…
~Taking advantage
~Listening to only what we want to hear
~Not caring about the consequences of our actions
~Lacking healthy shame
~Being fair-weather friends
~Thinking only about our own self-interests.
~Making friends see what we can get from them
~Not caring about the effect, we have
~How can we be part of the resolution…?
Shift our perception to a world without corruption, people being honest with themselves and taking full responsibility for their lives.
Remember that we are all connected with our loving source. We do not need to be corrupting ourselves to get what we want. The source of higher wisdom is always with us.
Start our own personal radio channel on our inside. Integrate thoughts that are all the good news about our potential as humans.
Clear our thinking to make room to hear what our source has to say. A funny metaphor: Imagine our minds as a room filled with chickens who are frantically running around looking for a way out. We finally open the door and let them out! How is that like our minds sometimes? Filled with worrying, ruminating, judging, trying to fix ourselves, and wondering how to fix our world.
Release justifying thoughts such as “I will only do it one more time.” “I need this to get ahead.” “I need the money.”
~ Remember that our thoughts are steering our lives.
~ Remember that our ability to manifest is part of our essential nature.
~ Remember that no one is more spiritual, better, or more powerful than anyone else.
~ Release our control and manipulation, the corruption that creates stress, dis-ease, and suffering.
~ Stop trying to resist corruption, knowing that whatever we resist persists. Embrace it, face it, and change our minds.
~ Release self-judgment and admit to a trusted friend what we have been doing, come out of hiding.
~ Bear witness our internal dialogue.
~ Recognize and stop our internal bribery.
~ Meditate and allow the greater wisdom to fill our minds.
~ Move and circulate our energy, opening the space for new insights, solutions, and guidance.
~ Decide to be a catalyst for becoming part of the 6 %, we need to create the most significant paradigm shift in human history. Onward!
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About the Author
Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute. An author, multidimensional coach, and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course, Freedom from the Inside Out. She draws from her own experience and from the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives. Currently, she is writing a series of children’s books that embrace the principles of living freedom.
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