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Dream, Visions, and Your Soul Mate

Dream, Visions, and Your Soul Mate

Dream Soul Mate OMTimes

Dreams about your soul mate come in all shapes and sizes and are unique because they suggest an encounter between mind, heart, and soul.

Can You Dream of Your Soul Mate Before You Ever Meet?



Isn’t that what true romance is supposed to be about? Finding the person who is your soul mate. Someone you dream about at night—someone whose name is on your lips when you wake up in the morning.

~Jodi Picoult


Is it “true love” that allows you to dream about your destined partner, or is it just “a lover’s dream”?

One day, you wake up with a smile on your face after a beautiful dream in which you were being kissed and embraced by someone extraordinary. The feeling of love, warmth, and a total sense of acceptance is overwhelming. You want to stay there forever, but the daylight intrudes, the conscious part of you awakens, and the dream disappears. The memory may linger; however, the images and impressions may come back to haunt you during the weeks and months ahead.


 The Dream of Eternal Love

Dreams about your soul mate come in all shapes and sizes. They are types of dreams that we all remember, and they seem like the ideal relationships that all of us would like to experience. These dreams are unique because they suggest an encounter between mind, heart, soul, and body – a joyful communion of souls at all levels. Some people can dream of a person who they are going to get married to. But these are not the rule, they are exceptions.

They can dream about this person more than once, in such a way that their face is imprinted in their memory. There are still those who go looking for the person of the dreams but return empty-handed and frustrated. In contrast, others are more fortunate and end up finding their other halves.


Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.

~Richard Bach

Your Soul Mate Maybe Dreaming of You as Well

Your ideal person may also be dreaming and looking for you too. One way to bring soulmate dream romance into our daily lives is to write those dreams. Record every nuance – every detail – so that the scene can be alive before your eyes, and that you can always relive the moment when you choose to.

Is your dream of giving you the information you need to hear and act? Does he suggest vacations, or the need to clean up your relationships, and define what you want and do not want? Do you need to end a relationship to make room for your soul mate?

Recording your dreams over a long period will give you a lot of information about how things are going and what steps you need to take towards your happiness.


Open your Life for New Possibilities and Reinventions

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First Rule of Love OMTimes

Your current partner may not appear to be the typical soul mate as the template of love you may have in mind, but your dreams may reveal that there is more to him or her than you may think. They may have some unusual traits, but maybe these “imperfections” are what would take in this life to bring out the best in both of you. Your soul mate’s dreams can also move and transition among many levels and different dimensions.

You may be dreaming of your soul mate, but you should also consider the possibility that they may not be incarnated on this Earth at this time. Not to despair, there are many spiritual & internal rituals that may be able to help you receive your Twin Flame blessing.

The blessing Twin Soul blessing is a boon that brings the healing, the Love, and satisfaction of their presence into your life through infusing their presence on the person you are having a relationship with. Nonetheless, you may still take comfort from their healing presence and know that they are watching over you, love you, and care about you, forever.



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