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Can We Change Negative Karma?

Can We Change Negative Karma?

Negative Karma OMTimes

The good news is that it is possible to minimize and correct negative Karma and re-program it in order to move on, both in this lifetime and future ones.

Dealing with Negative Karma



Karma can be defined as the balance of the sum of experiences of this life and also of those of previous existences and intermediate lives.

We often ask ourselves what we did wrong to deserve something terrible happening in our lives. After all, we genuinely believe that we are good people, we do what we think is right, but we may still have bad luck and face several challenges. The answer to these questions is linked to the collection of karma gather during the journey of our souls.

Things do not just happen in this world of arising and passing away. We don’t live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws such as the law of Karma, which teaches us that as a certain seed gets planted, so will that fruit be.

~ Sharon Salzberg


But Why Me?

Life is in a continuous process of unfolding, of understanding and of recreating itself. That is the element of Impermanence so well-spoken and defined by the Buddhists.

It is in the vast scope of possibilities that in this, or even in another life you have been aggressive, or abusive, or have taken advantage of another soul, making it now needed to you to experience the opposite perspective, to understand more profoundly how our actions and thoughts affect others.


Is there Bad Luck, or only Karma?

Our unfortunate experiences may be the consequences of past lives, the precise results of this life’s actions, belief systems, the scope of limitations or challenges that our soul has chosen to take on for its own evolution.

It can be challenging to understand why the soul chooses to live painful experiences. Still, the fact is that evolution is more significant when there are challenges. There is also an overcoming of negative patterns, the acquiring of new perspectives and beliefs, and realizations on various levels.

Our karmic experiences are not only the result of the actions we take, but also of our thoughts, intentions, and emotions.

When we stop following negative reflections and patterns, it does not mean that the laws of Karma will not recognize an ill intention, thought, or emotion that you may be fostering inside your heart. Make a conscious effort to know what is behind your energy and purpose. You are emanating.


Is There Anything Good about Karma?

The good news is that it is possible to minimize and correct the negative Karma Network and re-program it to move on.

As a participant and at the same time, a proactive observer of our lives, we can choose to hold on to facts and experiences that may have hurt us, or we can transform them every time we when we notice a pattern forming or redirect our possible negative reactions – as thoughts, words, and actions – before adding them to the account of negative Karma. The process of correcting and healing the negative ego is the main objective of our earthly experience.


Karma and The Universal Bank Account

 No doubt that there is good and there is bad Karma.

It is human nature to focus on the adverse events of our lives. Still, by paying attention to the positive experiences we have had, we attract the energy of gratitude.

Gratitude is automatically deposited in our good karmic experiences. The development of a regular gratitude ritual as a spiritual practice and is beneficial in expelling negative energies from our energetic system and slowly but surely it detoxifies our heavy and negative Karma.

The universal law of Karma… is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. In the course of natural righteousness, man, by his thoughts and actions, becomes the arbiter of his destiny.

~ Paramahansa Yogananda


Karma and Timelines

 The Karmic dynamics is based on balance and understanding of experiences. Therefore, Karma is not necessarily instantaneous, it is a process that can be lived in a period across many lives. So, be patient when looking to relieve yourself of “Karmic burdens,” keep yourself positive and always and do the right thing.

Many people tend to give up and become discouraged, adopting a generally negative disposition, when they can’t pinpoint an immediate change in their lives, but instead, practice fortitude.

This is the most challenging part of Karma, as it is a mystery when it is time for the tides to change. In the meantime, keep moving forward, working on the scope of your good intentions and spiritual aspirations.

The law is simple. Every experience is repeated or suffered until you experience it properly and fully the first time.

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~Ben Okri


Karma and Our Relationships

 As a rule, you need only be concerned with your own karmic situation. Every action incites a reaction; every cause generates an effect, and if other people intentionally hurt you, there is a cosmic charge in your path, whether in this life or in future lives.

By cultivating a vengeful heart for revenge, we create negative Karma for ourselves. Karma establishes a connection, which cannot be broken unless we let go of negative feelings, thoughts, emotions, and actions.

The best course of action in facing frustrating circumstances is to shift perspectives.

When forgiveness and release (letting go) cannot be easily achieved by yourself, we strongly recommend relinquishing negative thoughts and intentions to your spirit (soul).

Never forget that at any time, you may ask for Spiritual Intervention: higher guidance and healing.

Now that you know that there are Karmic causes and effects for every action during our many lives, we may find it easier to deal with the concept of Karmic mitigation and release.

Through the analysis of the accumulation of all experiences and memories of our previous existence, we may be able to change the tendencies for negativism and victimization and to start our journey of becoming a more light and conscious human being. Positive karmic experiences will influence not only this life but many future lives.



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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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