Equilibrium: Equalizing Body, Mind and Spirit

We have all recently experienced a whack on the kaleidoscope of life, watching our reality suddenly change right before our very eyes. And much more is to come! Therefore, we must maintain a state of equilibrium … physical balance, mental calmness, and spiritual awareness.
Creating Equilibrium
by Darity Wesley
Equilibrium is a conscious practice. It supports us as we traverse these changing and mind-bending times. It is another critical tool in our spiritual toolbox. I think we can all agree that balance is pretty much something we all need to have in our lives all the time. And yet there are specific times, like NOW when it needs to be our primary focus.
Equilibrium involves our whole being … the physical, the mental, and the spiritual aspects of ourselves.
Physical equilibrium is about taking good care of our body… eating nutritious meals, drinking plenty of water, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It’s also important that we stay grounded in our physical vehicles and work to build and maintain our physical strength. At a basic level, physical balance is a motor skill that is maintained and even improved with exercises, particularly those that keep our hips, knees, and ankles strong. All of us, no matter how young or old, can benefit from integrating physical balance and strength in our bodies, both of which support our mental and spiritual equilibrium. They are all tied together.
Our mental equilibrium is mostly about taming and training that monkey mind and living more at the moment. It’s about allowing the future to unfold naturally from our own Wisdom. Sometimes things happen that can be disruptive to our mental balance, or we hear our inner voice telling us, “I’m not enjoying this” or “this doesn’t feel right” or “this is uncomfortable for me.” When this happens, it’s important to make the conscious effort to bring balance and equilibrium to our thought process. Tools we can use include saying to ourselves, “I don’t mind what happens” or choosing to be curious about the experience we are having, or meditating with eyes open, and, of course, stopping that monkey mind when there is a disruption of our mental state.
When disruptions occur, we have the power to restore our own mental equilibrium and not continue being influenced by a ranting monkey mind. Our mental balance is way more important than whatever we are experiencing. These kinds of disruptions tend to throw our mental balance out of whack, and that is not what we need or want in these times.
The last part of our equilibrium trilogy is our spiritual equilibrium. No matter where we are in our spiritual or evolutionary journey, we will find our state of equilibrium is about integrating our consciousness in all we do. Coming to coherence and out of chaos as often as possible. This is a tool for sanity as we move into these times of Great Transformation. We are to trust and our own inner Wisdom. Our own heart’s knowingness, this is how we maintain our spiritual equilibrium.
Spiritual equilibrium really comes first because of our physical vehicle, as well as our mental well-being, flows from our spiritual equilibrium. What can really throw us off balance spiritually is when we believe we need others to validate us or to let us know whether or not we are doing the right thing, or to tell us that we are okay. It is certainly understandable that we appreciate validation when it comes or others’ opinions about what we are considering. Yet, the bottom line is that we must rely on our own Truth within. We absolutely do not need it from outside. Our balance, our validation, rests within. So, trust yourself! Listen to that still small voice within and turn up the volume.
Meditation is a great tool to bring us to the place where we can open more to that voice within. It also brings us to that coherent state of love, gratitude, compassion, etc. and, therefore, supports our spiritual equilibrium. It brings us to a feeling of a place. Our desire is to keep this state even when we are not meditating. That way, when our equilibrium is disrupted, we can simply touch our heart space, reminding us to be calm, to be grounded, to be balanced to respond to the situation.
As we move through these transformative times, acknowledge or investigate how your state of equilibrium feels. Be sure to deepen, re-establish, and even expand your internal balance. Recognize it is supported by your angels, spirit guides, God, the Universe, your very own soul’s guidance, whatever you call that energy.
As we trust our own instincts about our state of equilibrium, be sure not to go too high with whatever comes along, or go too low. Instead, ride the roller coaster of life with ease and make sure to accept the guidance from your heart. And oh, remember… no regrets! Decision made, and so it is! Moving on…
So, be curious! Be excited to find and integrate your physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium and then … maintain it. Remember, equilibrium and balance are how we dance in harmony with life. So, dance like there is no tomorrow!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is an award-winning, best-selling author, a lawyer, a speaker, a Death Diva, and also a Wisdom Sharer. She has traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development paths for many decades. She has become a powerful resource for those awakening to their evolving consciousness. Her ‘Wisdom for the New Reality’ messages goes out monthly to her international community for free. Sign up on her website www.DarityWesley.com.

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