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4 Ways to Handle Spiritual Valleys and Stress

4 Ways to Handle Spiritual Valleys and Stress

Spiritual Valleys OMTimes

Spiritual valleys and stress are typical during this time. Still, you do have options to overcome the effects of coronavirus on your mental and spiritual wellbeing.

How to Handle Spiritual Valleys and Stress During Quarantine

by Brooke Chaplan 



The coronavirus has brought many changes to life as we know it. Before the virus came along, people eagerly hugged and gave each other handshakes. You rarely had to worry about coming into close contact with people in your social circle. Now, quarantining requires you to spend more time alone, and this happens during a time when health and financial worries are also increasing. Spiritual valleys and stress are typical during this time. Still, you do have options to overcome the effects of coronavirus on your mental and spiritual wellbeing.


Limit Your Exposure to the News

It is hard to open a news feed or turn on the television without seeing some sort of news about the virus. Unfortunately, most of the news right now is negative or conflicting. Seeing constant reports of illness wears on your positivity and inspires more anxiety. However, you do still need to pay attention to what is going on in the world. Try to limit your exposure to the news about the coronavirus to twice a day.

Try to check-in on things in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Try to read positive news stories for the rest of the time.


Get Reassurance About Your Circumstances

In addition to worrying about the virus, you may have concerns about your career or financial standing. You might miss your friends and family or worry about whether or not a new romantic relationship will survive social distancing. In this challenging time, it is important to check in with spiritual guides and leaders. See if you can join long-distance or remote meetings with meditation groups, yoga instructors, or spiritual leaders. Psychics can also help you work through your concerns and get reassurance about your circumstances. Although many things may change, getting a glimpse into how your present circumstances can impact the future helps you make decisions with a greater sense of certainty.


Distract Yourself with a Hobby

There’s not much good about the pandemic, but there is one silver lining. Quarantining has inspired many people to take up bread-baking, woodworking, and sewing. Pick a hobby or something that you’ve always wanted to learn and go for it. Spending your time doing something enjoyable helps to keep your stress levels lower. You could take this time to begin doing more research into spiritual alignments, such as chakras or grounding as well.


Be Proactive About Your Health

See Also

The best antidote to stress and worry is doing things that give you a greater sense of control. No one knows how their body will react to the coronavirus until they get it, but you can get your body into better shape. Start an exercise program or increase the intensity of your workouts. Clear out the junk food and add more healthy fruits and vegetables. Nourishing your body now helps you feel more prepared during a time of illness, and your mental health benefits from the vitamins and exercise.


No one knows what will happen in the upcoming months or even years, but you don’t have to let quarantine keep you feeling down. Taking action now helps you to improve your mental outlook so that you can look forward to a brighter future.


If you enjoyed 4 Ways to Handle Spiritual Valleys and Stress,  you should read Coronavirus Healing Meditation and Exercise



About the Author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. Contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

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