Oracle for 2012 – Discernment
by Darity Wesley
The over-riding, high level energies and directions for the year of 2012, which is filled with much potential for wild, wild rides, are evolving around integrating and using Discernment as we move along our path this coming year…Read On…
The year 2012 has had foisted upon it many scenarios: the End of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, the final days as foretold in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, doomsday scenarios, ascension scenarios, extraterrestrials finally appear in public view, the End of the World. It’s all happening in 2012. OMG!!! Many are very fearful, many are scared to death, many are confused, many are grateful, many are watching, and some truly believe this it for humanity. It will absolutely be interesting to see what the collective consciousness of humanity (or unconsciousness, as the case may be) will create this year of 2012 and the Oracle advises, for those paying attention to the forces at play in the universe, put on your Discernment hat! Keep that Discernment hat on and activated all year long. It will be a supportive act and hold you in good stead for your spiritual evolution through the transitions coming your way this year.
If you think about what Discernment means, it is really, conceptually observation, perceiving without judgment – not making something right or wrong as the world of duality has conditioned us – but just “Oh, I see this” and “Oh, I see that.” No judgment. And you can decide if it resonates with you or it doesn’t resonate with you, does it have value and quality for you or not – not “it’s good”, not “it’s bad,” maybe what resonates for me does not resonate for you – nothing “wrong” with that, it is just what it is. This is how Discernment works as a spiritual practice.
The dictionaries add to our concept of Discernment. Some say it is the ability to grasp and comprehend what is obscure or it is the process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. The Bible talks about “proper” discernment, discerning God’s choices for you. Wikipedia says it describes the activity of determining value and quality. All work one way or the other during this wonderful year of 2012.
In addition to the issues of the collective fear and doom and gloom over the end of the world in 2012, we have to look ahead to some really wild energetic forces that will be influencing all of us all year long: politically, emotionally, economically, physically, spiritually, multidimensionally. From January 23rd to April 13th the planet Mars (action) is retrograde (apparent backward motion from Earth). I recommend you mark your calendar to discern the unfolding of these energies in your life! I understand, not being an astrologer, that this time period happens every two years or so and it is generally for the purpose of re-strategizing your life directions and goals for the next two years. While Mars is retrograde, Mercury (communication) joins it in its journey backwards from Earth’s point of view from March 12th to April 3rd. So, while you are re-strategizing your life and goals, Mercury retrograde gives you the opportunity to learn, to correct mistakes or wrong assumptions and to generally catch up on things that fell through the cracks in the previous ninety days. So, things more than likely will really slow down even more during the first part of 2012.. Time itself, such as it is, continues to race along at its accelerated pace letting you know you are, indeed, on the roller coaster ride of change.
Then, to add to these wild energies early in the year, in May the planet Venus goes retrograde from May 15th to June 27th. Now according to our business astrologer, Madeline Gerwick ( in business Venus represents assets and credits, pricing of products and services, among other things. According to Rob Tillet ( at a personal level Venus represents relationships and social interactions at every level. It rules our social interactions and behavior and represents the principles of harmony, justice and equilibrium. Venus goes retrograde once every eighteen months. In business we should hold up launching new products and services, starting new companies, signing legal contracts. When Venus is retrograde, Lynn Koiner ( says, it provides lessons in evaluation of the real worth and value of people and things in your life. Good time for purging, eh? She says this cycle produces experiences where it is easier to discern (there is your key principle for the year) the relative worth and value (not right or wrong, remember) of people or situations in your life. Discernment is effective during this timeframe but it is NOT a time to act upon any unfavorable awareness. It is purely a time of evaluation rather than direct action. Follow your heart, discern your Spirit’s direction, before moving on your discernment.
No sooner does Venus go direct, starts moving forward again, and Mercury goes retrograde again July 15th to August 7th and then Mercury goes retrograde again November 6th to November 26th providing you, yet again, with opportunities to learn and correct mistakes and wrong assumptions.
While all this is going on, I want to make sure you know too that there are huge potential energies for big unexpected events beginning in 2012. This is another time to strongly apply Discernment in your life. From what I understand, from our evolutionary astrologer, Ingrid Coffin ( Uranus (unexpected events; independence) will square Pluto (Death; transformational energies) seven times through 2015 – a very rare and unusual experience. Wild, wild energies hit us twice in 2012 and they are “exact” on June 24th, 2012 and September 19th, 2012 – again, mark your calendars and check it out on the Internet. These are outer planets so when they transit, it generally refers to events outside our ability to control but you are going to want to discern how you work with these energies for your highest good so stay aware and alert.
The astrological energetic forces at play are but one facet of the need for use of your Discernment. In these times of transitions, it is important to be very careful about who and what you are following. In fact, if you are following at all, that is an indication that you may be off track unless you are following your very own internal guidance system, your own heart.
This is no time of great spiritual teachers. The shift of 2011 moved each and every one of us from student/seeker to master/teacher of our own reality. It is important to discern, this year, the many embodied and disembodied energies that will masquerade as bringers of the light when it is really their egos or their spiritual ambition or their spiritual significance that will confront you. Discern for yourself what you need to know, what you need to do, who you need to be. 2012 continues with the implementation of the transition of 2011 to be who you truly are: self aware, authentic, a True One, being the change you want to see in the world, not being some else’s version of who you should be. Discernment – you will know if what you are hearing or reading is right for you to apply. Throughout the wild ride through 2012 and beyond, do discern not only outer energies, but also your very own patterns and thought forms. Consider what no longer serves you and needs to be purged or considered not relevant to your spiritual growth this year.
Hold true to what you know of these growing times and birthing the new energies on this planet, creating a new reality, keep yourself grounded throughout 2012 as massive changes are coming and you will need your solid knowledge and reliance on the fact that these changes portend a new world. Know that the smallest percent of those who are connected to Spirit, following their Spirit and working for the highest good for all of life can usher in the new, help change, help heal and bring love and compassion to the forefront of living on this planet and thereby bring support to humanity, our planet Gaia, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe and our multiverses the impending ascension and expansion of consciousness.
So, with eyes wide open this year, all year, fully alert, exercise Discernment at every twist and turn of events!. Take time this year to do whatever it takes to keep yourself grounded in knowing that All Really Is Well and that you are exercising the authenticity of being who you are all year long. Your attention on Discernment will truly ground you further within the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together all the time no matter what and so remember…All You Need Is Love…it will sustain you on your journey through 2012.
Let your mantra for 2012 be: I AM who I say I AM following my Spirit without hesitation every day in every way…And So It Is!!!
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at
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