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How to Clear Your Spirit and Seek New Direction After Hardships

How to Clear Your Spirit and Seek New Direction After Hardships


Encountering hardship is something that can make your life turbulent, both temporally and spiritually. If your goal is to get past your troubles, then you must learn how to clear your spirit once again. Below are steps you can take when you’re looking to find a new direction in your life.

Moving On After Hardship

by Meghan Belnap



Allow Yourself to Grieve

One of the most important ways to heal your spirit after a time of great hardship is to acknowledge what you’ve been through. Learning how to grieve for what once was and the opportunities that are now gone can be emotionally challenging, but it is also incredibly healthy. Whether you do this through therapy, meditation, or through a more personal process, you need to learn how to come to peace with the fact that your life has changed.

Sometimes, this will mean taking time off work and cutting down on other responsibilities while seeking counseling. While you may feel like doing so is setting yourself backward in life, taking the time to work on yourself, especially with professional guidance, will help you come back stronger from hardships.  It is better rather than letting it be yet another weight dragging you down. As long as you plan to get better and are daily working toward your goal, you are not wasting time.


Re-center Yourself at Home

Home isn’t just where the heart is. It’s where your soul is at its most complete. If you’ve gone through a rough time, you must spend some time in a place that’s as nurturing and supportive as possible. In this case, a home may not be your physical home, but that place where you feel the most love and safety. Taking some time to rest, recuperate, and recover is often an excellent way to clear your spirit and to get ready to take on new challenges. Come closer to your support system in your family or friends as part of your re-centering so that you are not alone in your struggle.


Seek out Advice on Your Hardships

Seeking out spiritual advice is often a distinctive way to figure out your new direction. Whether this means consulting with a psychic, speaking with a minister, or even having your cards read, taking the time to get guidance about your next move can help you eliminate some of the worries. While professional psychologists are extremely helpful and sometimes essential for those struggling with their mental health, many people find great comfort in seeking spiritual guidance from those who share their belief system or who have a unique insight into spiritual matters in general.


Make a Clean Break

For many, it’s not just the late hardship that holds them back from healing but rather the ties to that time of their lives. In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary to make a clean break and to start over again. For some, this means moving to a new place or cutting contact with certain people. For others, it may be as simple as leaving behind a creative project or throwing out old clothes. Regardless, taking the time to remove the old reminders of hardship can clear up your ability to think of a brighter future. Allowing the past to hold you back will only cause greater regrets in the future.

Determining a new direction is never as easy as it sounds. You must come to grips with the changes in your life, allow yourself time to heal, and learn how to move forward. It is only after accomplishing these tasks that you’ll be able to make the right decisions about where your life should go next.


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About the Author

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.

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