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Why Should You Build an Angelic Altar?

Why Should You Build an Angelic Altar?

Angelic Altar

Regardless of your belief system, we all can and should ask for protection from the Divine.  If it is the case that you believe that there is a superior being who looks and watches over us, whose thoughts give us lucidity and protection to follow our daily lives and keep us on the path of goodness.  One way to do this is to build an Angelic Altar.



To reinforce our simple requests and ward off negative energies that want to lead us astray, we can make an Angelic Altar at home.

The word Altar comes from the Latin altare or ara (classical Latin), a high platform similar to a table consisting of rock, elevation, or other structure that allows the priest, leader, or spiritual mentor, to make offerings to the deity, or deities, in a religious temple or sacred place.

Angelic Altars are amazingly simple and easy to do, here is how.


You can set up an altar to God in your mind by means of prayer. And so, it is fitting to pray at your trade, on a journey, standing at a counter, or sitting at your handicraft.

~ Saint John Chrysostom

Angelic Altar – How to Make Yours

The Angelic Altar is a prayer place, which will evoke protection, peace, and ward off evil energies from your home. It also serves to make requests and thanks to the angels. Before you start organizing it, remember that your Altar should have the 4 elements-Water, Earth, Air, and Fire as a sacred space.  To make your own Angelic Altar, follow the 10 steps below:

1 – Find a calm and serene place in your home, with which you identify and where you feel good. Prefer airy areas that receive sunlight from the side. The lateral lighting would be preferable to direct sunlight.

2 – Place a clean white towel on the Altar. It could be of any material, but natural fibers would be the best.

3 – All objects that will be part of this Altar must be cleared and energized with coarse salt. Put coarse salt on them for 24 hours before setting up your Altar of angels.

4 – In the center of your Altar, you must place a blue or transparent star, either paper or plastic. It should be big and showy, and lying on top of your Altar, you will put your altar items on it. The star should be the shape you are most aligned with, be it of 5, 6.7 points, or even more points stars.

5 – At the top of your star, you should put green quartz. This stone means prosperity, and it has the power to give you the courage to pursue your dreams.

6 – At the top right and top (the first following the clockwise direction), you should put an image that would represent your guardian angel. Your Angel will be the one who will protect the Altar of angels and generate protection for you, for your home and your loved ones.

7 – At the next tip, place an incense holder. There you should light an incense daily that has the power to protect your physical and mental body – and still leaves a delightful smell in the house, from priority to real Indian incense, or Camphor, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

8 – On the next tip, put a Greek eye. It will protect your Altar from all envy and the evil eye. [1]

9 – The last tip will be destined for your wishes. Write your wish on a piece of paper and place it inside a white silk bag, tied with a yellow ribbon.

10 – Make your request and your prayers before the Altar every day. When your spiritual request is fulfilled, thank your Angel, and remove the request from the bag, throwing the paper under running water. If you want to start over with another wish, remember to energize all the items on your Altar of angels before you do it again.


A Good Vibration Altar

House altars can help you attract good energy and always have positive events and people around you. Not ever, just the force of high-spirited thinking or benevolent attitudes are enough to bring peace to our homes and our lives. This is true, especially when something goes contrary to plan and frustration. A heavy aura takes over the environment and our hearts.

Given these situations, and as a way to maintain good vibrations inside your home or in the work environment, a very valid alternative for this purpose is the making of an altar, which will have the help of stones, powerful images, candles, incense sticks and the influence of natural forces to grant you peace, prosperity and good luck throughout your life journey.


How to Make an Altar of Good Vibrations

To start preparing it and attract positive energies and prosperity to your home, family, and personal goals, you will need to have simple and powerful materials on your Altar. These materials should consist of a small corner table or even a suspended altar arranged on shelves to organize everything correctly.

Stones: to obtain protection and open paths with the help of minerals, you can use Amethyst to prosper, Esmeralda to protect your health, Agate to protect you and monitor your progress, and the Black Tourmaline so that nothing bad happens.

Pictures: to enhance it with more personal items, directing the energy specifically for you, also use the image of your guardian angel and one that represents yourself.

Candles: every week, light a white candle on your Altar.

Incense: Every day, light a rosemary incense to promote spiritual cleansing and more protection.

See Also

Towel: to cover your Altar, put a white towel so that the color does not hinder any object’s flow.

Location: always set up your Altar in an airy place, where there is sunlight at some time of the day. Avoid places where the flow of people is intense.


[1] Greek eye jewel prevents the evil eye. The Evil eye is a superstitious curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware.


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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.

Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals

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