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Inverted Numbers and Angelic Numerology

Inverted Numbers and Angelic Numerology

Thanks to Numerology, we can shed some light on the messages that the Universe sends us when it makes us look at the clock exactly in moments of inverted numbers and hours.

Angelic Numerology: The Vibrational Realm of The Angels



Meanings of Repetitive and Inverted numbers

Often, during the rush of everyday life, we tend to forget to reconnect with our inner selves. Often, we act on impulse, and then there is a feeling of anguish and suffering. However, we can disconnect for a few moments from our earthly life, listen to our inner voice, and trust the messages that the Universe is transmitting to us from moment to moment. One of the most important ways to learn lessons, advice, and learning is through the Numerology of the archangels.


How can we do this?

Know that seeing repetitive numbers throughout the day can mean that the Universe or your archangels are trying to talk to you.

It seems curious, but in Numerology, each number has its own vibration and meaning, and each has a message for us. The interesting thing about Numerology is that it is almost always related to our living situation. And sometimes it shows the ones we are about to face at the moment. The number 11:11, for example, is full of meanings.

For some, it is accompanied by a powerful divine and spiritual influence. It is often represented as a spiritual awakening or as a gateway to the subconscious. In human matters, the Eleven number brings us the message that we are spiritual beings with a physical experience, rather than physical beings having a spiritual experience. According to the website Signs of the New Age, the numbers 11:11 are powerful and made up of the powerful influences of the number 1, amplified and multiplied by four.

As far as the spiritual field is concerned, the number 1 vibrates with the unity energy of life, happiness, and fulfillment. When you see this number repeatedly, observe your current thinking, as this is a confirmation of what you are vibrating for life.



The number 11:11 brings us the message that an energetic portal has opened for you, causing your thoughts to manifest quickly in physical reality.

The earthly field is related to new beginnings, independence, individuality, initiative, clarity, ambition, motivation, success, leadership, courage, strength, creativity, self-confidence, achievement, and self-development.

04:04 leaves us with an important message to raise thoughts and that we strive to keep them positive. It also says to defy material and social order issues, such as problems about government, major social problems, and the world’s misery. The angels warn us with this numbering to keep the faith even if everything seems impossible at the moment. Trust the Universe and the strength of the Angels.


The Energy of Inverted numbers (hours) – Understand the message behind each one!

An unpretentious glance at the clock, and that’s it: there is a time like 3:30 or 12:21. But what does it mean to see those hours reversed? Do they have any special meaning, or are they merely coincidental?

According to Numerology, seeing inverted Numbers (reversed hours) is nothing casual or coincidental. It is, in fact, synchronicity, a word used to refer to events that are related not by mere chance but by a relationship of meaning – often of spiritual meaning, which is beyond our human understanding.


What Inverted Numbers (hours) do you see?








Thanks to Numerology, we can shed some light on this topic and understand more or less the messages that the Universe sends us when it makes us look at the clock exactly in moments of inverted numbers and hours.

Below we present a list with the meaning of all the hours inverted according to Numerology and common sense. which is nothing more than those truths that no one knows where they came from or how they arose, but that many people know:



Numerology: a sign that it’s time to take a deep breath, calm your heart and think about your future. Be extra careful. A project or initiative in which you are putting a lot of effort can end up failing.



Common sense: someone is very interested in you but is waiting for you to take the first step.



Numerology: it is an indication that good news should appear very soon. To see this hour is a sign that you need to combine discipline, ambition, and cooperation with partners. If you do, you will be successful in something that has been in your thoughts lately.

Common sense: good news will come soon!



Numerology: When you keep seeing this inverted number pattern, it is all about desires and your confidence. Keep them lit. In addition, it is a reinforcement that people in your family are caring about you, even if it is in a dream. Know that your leadership skills can bring you a lot of success in the coming days, besides the admiration of the people around you.

Common sense: a person is extremely interested in you, but you will only understand who you are if you are very attentive.



Numerology: This is a sign that you need to think about each of the actions you are going to take soon. The Universe is likely disapproving of some of the behaviors that have been marking your daily life recently. But the upside of this timely hour is that you are protected spiritually. So go your way smoothly but go the right way.

Common sense: A betrayal may be in your way. Look inside yourself. Why would you be thinking of betraying yourself or someone else? Reflect upon your actions.


See Also
Master Numbers OMTimes


Numerology: message from the Universe that it is necessary to forgive people who hurt you and resolves it to leave some unpleasant situations in the past. Many changes may be happening in the next few days. Still, if you act with discernment, never leave justice aside, and believe in your power, you can overcome and/or assimilate each of these transformations. Common sense: a good surprise should come your way soon.



Numerology: unfortunately, its inverted number is a bad sign since it indicates that unpleasant events should happen in the next few days. This number used to indicate that you have probably been making some wrong choices, but life will offer ways to redeem yourself and rewrite this story that you have been neglecting to write.



Common sense: the person you love, is in love with or may be interested in someone else.



Numerology: there are two messages in this hour pattern. The first indicates that it is very likely that a person close to you is not keeping your best interests at heart. They may be talking badly about their behavior to someone else. Regardless of what the next few days would be like, never stop believing in Your value (and the light of your soul).

The second is that, despite this, it is enough that you have faith in yourself and trust your intuition for none of this to reach you. You will feel blessed in the coming days and will overcome enormous obstacles. Trust your lucky stars.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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