Gratitude Is A Message to the Universe

Gratitude is the way by which we confirm with the universe that all we have manifested in our physical world is, indeed, what we desire.
The Message of Gratitude
By Rev. Marcy Ellen
When we look back on our lives, we may discover a pattern within our physical world that we may well acknowledge. Blessings that go without appreciation tend to dissipate from existence very quickly; whereas, the things that for which we remain grateful, day in and day out, remain in our lives in some form or another.
When we talk about gratitude or giving thanks it is not a reference to any type of verbal recognition or prayer, although those are very lovely gestures as well. When we maintain continual feelings of gratitude for all that exists in our lives, it is a positive frequency. It is this positive frequency that we emit when we express the love that attracts goodness into our lives. It is the positive frequency that we emit when we express the gratitude that keeps the goodness flowing.
Gratitude is the way by which we confirm with the universe that all we have manifested in our physical world is, indeed, what we desire. Everything that we bring into our physical existence either stays for a while or disappears. The length of time in which something stays is determined by our level of gratitude for that specific thing.
Think of the universe as a waiter in a favorite restaurant. We could be choosing to eat lunch and wish to order a Caesar salad. All-day long, we have been thinking about a Caesar salad, visualizing what it will look like and imagining how it will taste. We place the order with the waiter simply by asking him for it. The waiter then sends our order to the kitchen for preparation. We have had positive experiences at this restaurant each time, so we have faith that our order will be delivered to us in perfect time. We do all the things needed to manifest a Caesar salad and as expected, and it materializes as the waiter delivers the salad to our table.
Now here is where gratitude comes in: Imagine that we only take two bites of the salad, lose interest in it, and push it to the side of the table. Simultaneously, we begin to think about something from the dessert menu. The waiter, seeing our lack of interest in the salad, will inevitably come by and pick it up because the act of pushing it aside signals that we are no longer interested in the salad.
The universe works in a similar way. If there are things in life that we have lost interest in, it will assist us in clearing the old to make way for the new. It holds no judgment about what we wish to hold or let go. It is merely taking in the signals and acting accordingly.
What if we are not ready to give certain things up? What if we are satisfied with our job, car, and house, and wish to hold on to them? The key to holding onto these things is gratitude. When we feel or express gratitude, giving thanks for the things in our life, it is as if we are continually eating the Caesar salad. The waiter may walk by a few times to check, but every time he does he sees that we are still engaged in eating. It is a clear sign that is it not time to clear the table just yet.
The things of the physical world are maintained by the frequency of gratitude. Giving thanks is just a simple way of confirming with the universe that what we have manifested or been blessed with is, in fact, what we still desire and that we do want to hold on to it. Tony Robbins says, “Living in this emotional state will enhance your life more than almost anything I know of. Cultivating this is cultivating life. Live with an attitude of gratitude.”
Are there blessings in life that we might overlook or take for granted? Do we tend to focus on the things that we do not have, rather than appreciate the things we do have? If so, look around right now and take inventory of all the things that you love and give thanks for them. Say a prayer, start a journal, write each blessing down on paper and put it in a gratitude jar, or just allow feelings of gratefulness and appreciation to wash over you.
The more grateful we are, the more things we will have to be grateful for.
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About the Author
Rev. Marcy Ellen is the author of “The Soul Truth; Reflections for the Waking Soul.” She is an energy healer, channel, and a Reiki Master, with a Master of Divinity Degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. Connect with her at Contact her at:

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