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Kelli Fox: Bringing Ancient Science to Modern Day Life

Kelli Fox: Bringing Ancient Science to Modern Day Life


In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transit­ing Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her pas­sion to share the knowledge of astrology with people ev­erywhere was re-ignited.

One Visit (although her site is like a potato chip bag, it’s hard to go just once) and you will see Kelli’s passion in all the information she provides: Daily Horoscope, The Astrologer Daily, Sun Profiles, Sun Sign Compatibility, Planet updates (take a breath) Star News, Monthly Forecast, Yearly Forecast, Daily Financial Forecast and an entire section on learning Astrology.

 OM Times Interview with Kelli Fox

How do you use astrology in your daily life?

Besides providing readings for people I use “electional” astrology alot. This means selecting auspicious times for certain activities. For exam­ple, when the Moon is “void-of-course” it means nothing will come about so I make sure to never start anything new during this period. Many people have heard of Mercury retrograde which is a period to not sign agreements, plan travel or make major pur­chases. I have selected many wedding times and contract signings too.

How did your near death experience renew your pas­sion for astrology?

After my near death experi­ence I needed something bigger than myself to get through the worst days of my life. I leaned heavily on astrol­ogy to try to find meaning and understanding.

See Also

We’re coming up on anoth­er mercury retrograde, what is a mercury retrograde and why does everything seem to get a little crazy?

Our next Mercury retrograde occurs in Sagittarius on No­vember 6 until November 26. Mercury Retrograde is a phe­nomenon that has worked its way into mass conscious­ness. The moment a commu­nication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde! The truth is, not all miscom­munications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event.

Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspon­dence, read the book that’s been sitting on your night­stand and make phone calls to friends and family.

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