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The Seven Streams of Energy

The Seven Streams of Energy

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Like the colors of the rainbow, there are seven streams of vibrational energy.

The Seven Streams of Vibrational Energy

These seven rays of energy each have a different tone, color, vibration, and frequency. The colors represent the beauty of pure light that when separated becomes its own vibration and distinct color. The colors represent the awareness rays of our souls. Our personalities also have seven basic energies that correspond to the color.

We come into awareness on one of these seven energy vibrations. Your soul literally comes alive on this vibrational energy of consciousness. One ray is always dominant but you can share traits with all seven. The “soul themes” we are all working so hard on while we are here are rooted in these vibrational rays and represent the miracle of our growth as light being souls. When you look at the societies we have built on Earth, it’s obvious that each group has different strengths and weaknesses. The goal is to work together to strengthen all the good qualities in each and to leave behind the judgment, fear, and inaction. To evolve and ascend, we learn to respect the good in each and learn these insights together.

Think of the amazing power and beauty of crystals. They resonate at different vibrations and healing energy levels depending on their size (vibrational level), color and location. Just like us! We can use them to communicate and heal because they channel pure vibrational energy right through to us.

The first ray of vibration is Red. People who are born under this ray are the energy receivers. They are courageous, fearless, nonemotional, athletic and strong. They are also arrogant, prideful, critical, and think they know everything. They have much strength in rescuing and helping others physically but also many challenges to learn from emotionally and spiritually.

The second ray of vibration; Blue, belongs to the energy transmuters. They feel everything and are psychically sensitive to all energies, positive and negative. These are the compassionate, faithful people who have to watch out for energy drains. They have to learn to dissipate lower energies into the higher vibration. These are the souls who when developed are able to channel huge amounts of healing energy to others. They make great healing channels and psychic mediums with true hearts.

The third ray is Yellow. This ray holds soul lessons for those who are intelligent, cautious and sincere. They have to learn to tolerate others and how to cope in social situations to make changes in the world. They are challenged to come out of their shells, not to be shy to express their contributions. They can learn to develop their confidence and share their inner calm to help encourage others to think before they act.

The fourth ray is Indigo. Indigo represents the souls who are loud, warm, affectionate and cheerful. They have a great intuition; are empathetic, sympathetic and love color! They have great challenges with confidence, indecision, and self-control. When they develop their metaphysical abilities, they mature into great counselors and spiritual advisers.

The fifth ray of vibration is the color of Orange. This is for the scientists and engineers. They have a tendency to be very independent, unemotional and detail oriented. They can be extremely judgmental and unforgiving and do not like thoughts of mysticism. When they are further developed spiritually and develop more of a conscience, they can actually help to save mankind with their knowledge and dedication to finding answers.

Those on the sixth ray of vibration; Green, are the devoted true believers with unshakable faith. They can be loving and sweet but if challenged their emotions can take over, they become jealous and co-dependent. They can be extremely single-minded in their faith, even leaving behind all reason to follow their religion or belief, becoming fanatical when out of control. They have to learn to be more open-minded and accepting of others while becoming more independent and less dependent on others for support.

See Also
mystical thinking

The seventh ray is Violet. These are the energy regulators. They are the socially graceful, talented, attractive and very organized in their thoughts and in their lives. With a tendency to be snobbish and judgmental of others, they have to learn humility and practice unity with others. When these people are spiritually developed, they can manifest anything they desire.

Well! Is it any wonder that we all have such a hard time getting along in these human minds! Those on one vibration are always getting their feelings hurt, those on another can seem to have no compassion at all. And what about those snobs on the seventh ray! How can we all learn to respect each other for our differences and inspire each other to heal all the challenges? Having a better understanding of our strengths and purposes and the reasons why we act the way we do is a great start. Knowing that we are all struggling in a myriad of ways helps magnificently. We really have to unlearn the judgment and remember how we accepted everyone when we were children. It brings about the sometimes forgotten knowledge we came here with. We are all part of that shining radiant light and we are all loved the same, no matter what colors we shine!

You will also enjoy Using Crystal Grids as Tools for Healing

About the Author

Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author of Friends with Lights, A True Story and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a charity dedicated to Healing through raising spiritual consciousness with psychic communication, energy healing, ascension awareness, crystals and meditation.

To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

View Comments (14)
  • But how do you find out what color or stone you lead with of you don’t intuitively know already?

  • pick up stones, if they feel warm even if they weren’t in the sun, they’re drawn to you

  • stones may not be for you then. try picking up a variety at the same time. see if any feel warm, compared to which feels cold. You could be opposite from everyone else, i am with some things. i know stones don’t work that great for me, as they do some.

  • You could still your mind and then see which color comes first in your consciousness. Colors are also linked to chakras …red indicates body consciousness, green the heart and violet the soul

  • The 7 colors of the rainbow and chakras are not the same as the soul rays. There is a white ray in the soul rays and yellow. Can’t name them all off hand but you see my point.

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