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5 Ways Monks Use Plants to Achieve Higher Consciousness

5 Ways Monks Use Plants to Achieve Higher Consciousness

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Throughout history, monks have been using natural aids, such as plants and herbs, to guide them on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

How Monks Use Plants and Herbs to Reach Higher Consciousness

By Lauren Laporte 



Meditation is the way to achieving a deep spiritual connection with a higher power, and it has been so for millennia, across the world, and across all religions and teachings. No matter the religious path one takes towards enlightenment, there is always a need to achieve some form of meditative state, a lucid dream in which the soul establishes a higher connection with a divine entity. This connection needs to be practiced and strengthened day after day, as you cannot expect to communicate with any divine entity before you learn how to release your mind, body, and soul into their embrace.

Monks from around the world have therefore been using various natural aids to help them achieve this blissful state throughout history, especially during those trying times when they are still at the beginning of their path towards spiritual enlightenment. Today, let’s take a look at some of the way monks use plants and herbs to achieve higher consciousness.


Deepening the Power of Visualization

Many plants exhibit hallucinogenic properties that can be found all over the globe and are even readily available on the modern marketplace, such as cannabis, some of which will be used to by certain orders to aid those seeking spiritual enlightenment on their path. This is because these hallucinogenic properties enhance and deepen the power of visualization, allowing a new member of the order to make their first meditation sessions as fruitful as possible until they learn to establish this connection without the use of any aids.

Even though visualization is not a prerequisite (this connection is more of an inner feeling that saturates the body and the soul), it’s still a good way to get a grasp of what you are trying to achieve and to see the divine spirit with your own eyes, and strengthen your belief.


Attaining Better Focus and Mindfulness

Another problem many monks will struggle with for a prolonged time, and perhaps even years, is the problem of attaining the focus needed to establish a connection with a higher entity. To create a strong connection and actually hear the voices of the divine spirits, a monk has to enter a near-perfect meditative state, which requires practice, unwavering resolve, and unhindered concentration.

Some ancient plants and natural remedies will provide this feeling of higher mental acuity and focus, such as a lemon balm or holy basil, allowing a monk to tune out the chimes and noises of the outside world, and enter their internal being. Yet for others, the biggest problem will be to relax and let go.


Enabling Deep Relaxation

Another cumbersome challenge for those looking to speak to a higher being is to enter a state of deep relaxation, but without hindering their focus, or letting the noise of the outside world penetrate their meditative state. One of the ancient herbs hailing from Southeast Asia that has been used in medicine and meditation for millennia, kratom, could help monks overcome this challenge.

You should do your research to find and buy kratom from reputable vendors that guarantee its potency and quality. When it comes to natural remedies that help soothe the mind and the body, you have to know the potency of the product and to use it as prescribed, so that you can enjoy its effects.


Practicing Grounding Techniques

Grounding is yet another important technique a monk must master to be able to enter a deep meditative state and establish a connection with divine power. Many grounding exercises help you become more present and mindful of your soul and your internal being, but to gain the focus and clarity needed even to start practicing these techniques, a monk has to relieve mental angst, stress, and pain. Certain analgesic herbs such as rosemary, lavender, and eucalyptus can aid you in this quest.

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Achieving Greater Transcendence

And finally, transcendence is the ultimate form of meditation and is therefore only achieved by those who spend years and decades practicing meditation, all the while completely immersing themselves into the life of unencumbered spirituality. Even some of the most experienced monks will use these and other herbs and plants to sharpen their minds and relax their bodies to make this transition more fluent and rewarding.


Wrapping up

Throughout history, monks have been using natural aids to guide them on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Now that you know how herbs and plants can help you achieve higher consciousness yourself, you can use them to strengthen your bond with the divine.


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