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Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle

Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle


The spheres of light, during the same period of time, also led me into a deep connection with a Native American tribe in New Mexico called the Taos Pueblo.  There I spent fourteen years studying with them and their spiritual understandings, which then led me over many years to indigenous tribes around the world who further advanced my spiritual education.

OM Times: How has this affected your life, past beliefs, the way you view the world and humanity?

From this experience I was forever changed.  Almost everything important that I was told was true from my parents, society, religion and science, I discovered was simply an illusion.  I realized aspects of myself, including the outer reality, were interconnected in ways that no one in my life prior to the spheres of light, had ever presented to me. It became clear that even my college education was limited and an impedance in the face of my new understanding of human potential.

I began to know and live secret knowledge contained within the human heart.  It was so exciting, and it revived my joy for life.  I knew for absolute certain that life did not end when we died, but was the birth into another world that continued to expand into higher and higher consciousness.

OM Times: What are intra-terrestrials and what role do they play in your life and for humanity?

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I am surprised you asked me this question, but I am happy to answer.  Intra-Terrestrials, sometimes called Inter-Terrestrials, are not Extra-Terrestrials coming from space, but living super-advanced beings that live inside the surface of the Earth.  They are from Mother Earth.

I realize there are many of them, but the ones that I am now communicating with are called Plasma Beings who cruise our atmosphere in orange Plasma Ships made only of light.  The Plasma Beings were first seen in Mexico in 1991, and there is now more evidence, photos and video, of their existence than all the rest of UFOs known to man.  This is true because they live here within planet Earth, and they are not afraid of us and do not care if they are seen.  We have no ability with any science we have to harm them in any manner.

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