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The Power of Making a Decision: Knowing Ways

The Power of Making a Decision: Knowing Ways

By Diana Blagdon

Several years ago I was working with a 60 year old coaching client who had been unemployed for over a year.  She was certain that her professional life was over.  She was debating which under-employed opportunity would be her best option. She was emotionally overwhelmed and angry.

When she asked me to psychically look at the two possible job opportunities, what I saw was the following scene from the Indiana Jones movie The Quest for the Holy Grail.

Indy finds himself at the precipice of a bottomless chasm. He can see that on the other side of the abyss stands the sacred temple in which the cup of Christ awaits him. Indy has searched the entire world for the Holy Grail, defied all kinds of rats, skeletons and villains, nearly lost his father, and risked death many times to come to this point.

He senses he is so close and yet so far.  As he looks down into the endless gorge, he recalls the foretelling of instructions specifically for this part of his journey.

Have Faith

Indy takes a deep breath and steps out over the chasm. He sees nothing to stand on, but he decides to follow the advice to Trust.  As soon as he leans out over the abyss, a bridge appears and he finds himself fully supported.

The  message to my client was “Only those who are able to believe in the invisible can do the impossible”

The minute I said this, the path to the right opened up in my mind’s eye and the Happy Day Café became her best choice.

How many times have you stood at a turning point in your life trying to decide which path to take?   Later you discover that either path would have gotten you to your destination – one choice just represented a more direct route than the other.  Occasionally you might even end up on a dead end road and have to turn around and start over. The key on those occasions is to notice the path and enjoy the journey.

I saw that my client was at a turning point in her life when she thought she was at the end of a dead end road.

She was struggling to make a choice between what she believed were two pointless jobs. I “saw” that she was at a decision point and the path to the right provided a bridge to her future while the left hand path was dark, uphill and longer.

I taught her this simple focus technique that she could utilize in times of turmoil to access her inner wisdom and assist her in taking a step of faith.

Take a couple of deep centering breaths; gently allow your eyes to close. In your mind’s eye by seeing, sensing or feeling, create a vision of the scales of justice.  The left side of the scale represents NO the right side a YES:

See Also

In order to use this exercise you need to formulate your questions so a ‘yes or no either or response’ is appropriate.  Ask the question, record the answer and pay attention to the results.  Know that the more you use and trust this process the more dependable it will be for you.

My client had two“menial” (her description not mine) job opportunities.  I saw the Happy Day Café as her best option and empowered her with a new skill to help her make choices in the future.

Within 6 months of taking the job at the café she met the owner of a start up business that was looking for someone to come in and manage his operation.   She was delightfully on her way again in a business opportunity that has provided her with a creative, meaningful life experience.  She also found a new process to use in times of doubt.

By seeking out assistance in her time of turmoil she came away empowered with a new way of KNOWING.

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Diana Blagdon is a Certified Psychic Life and Business Coach.  She is available for one on one or group consultations through her web page or as an instant read OmTimes author and consultant.  Contact Diana today for assistance in discerning your day or night dreams and empowering you to understand the energy in your environment.  Call or text 920-854-9352.

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