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A Peaceful Heart

A Peaceful Heart


Is it possible to have a heart filled with peace when the World seems lost in achieving the dream of acquiring it? Do we really need to examine our thoughts, feelings and emotions in every extreme situation to recognize the process of evolving how we react? The answer would depend on how much peace we are already able to feel in the core of our spiritual consciousness. It makes sense that some people are just born with a more peaceful core of existence within them and others have to work a little harder to focus in the effort to maintain their quest for inner balance.

A person who is very empathic and sensitive to negative energy may be constantly challenged by outside forces and the people around them who resonate on a different vibration. It can be a daunting task to understand how to make peace when egos want to battle. There are several ways in which you can evolve your consciousness to react with a radiant peace that brings the situation to the balance point of understanding. We really can learn to stop ourselves from reacting as a mirror to the other person’s seemingly negative behavior towards us and lash out with an insult, etc. in response. Yes, even when they deserve it, we can really practice turning the other cheek with the goal of raising our vibration, our joy factor and even our physical health.

Imagine your soul at total peace with all existence, a light being of consciousness who does not judge, understands soul’s purpose and flows as one united heart of being. You are responsible for your own vibration in that energy, therefore your judgment of it decides its purpose. If you choose to mirror negative behavior with more of the same, then more will be created. If you choose to answer opposing force with positive reinforcement, which comes in many forms, you will see the benefit of the energy you are creating for your future encounters and beyond.

Every time you force yourself to willfully change a negative thought or emotion into an opportunity to learn a new spiritual skill, you instantly manifest a new process straight into your consciousness. Your brain will remember the next time you react and you now have a choice to make! React in the old negative way or practice the way of peace? The first time to change a response is always the hardest. It’s quite okay to have feelings of resentment.

Feelings of anger can be processed by experiencing them, taking a moment, letting them move through your soul and dissipating back into the light consciousness with gratitude. The emotion of anger is transformed back into light and back into the consciousness of thoughts. Someone else who is on a soul mission of peace will be thinking and learning from the very same thoughts as they go about their own journey.

What a release! It will create the vibrational energy to heal and make the soul start glowing. That glow will show on the outside and in every conscious decision we make. It will touch everyone and everything that we are near. When they least expect it, someone’s life could be dramatically changed because you chose to take the path of peace. They may think twice before they react in a negative way out of habit. These little changes can amount to miraculous healing as the vibrations raise and the possibilities increase! The mind changes, the soul and body heal in a new harmony.

This process is easier for some, harder for others depending on their life dynamic and how they were treated as children and young adults. If a child learns from his parents to yell and demand attention in destructive ways, the understanding that this learned behavior can be healed is so important for the soul to know. We do not have to inherit and own these behaviors if they are hurting us in any way.

We can practice feeling peace in our own personal ways. Through meditation, the study of the consciousness, walking through nature, letting go of expectations of others, and understanding the meaning of compassion, we have so many choices in how we find our shine.

It’s true that peace begins with one heart at a time and spreads the love it creates into a million different directions. Sometimes, we just have to be reminded we had it inside us all along!

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, spiritual adviser, healing energy channel, author and teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon; A featured columnist for OM Times Magazine, she has read for clients all over the world. To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

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