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Creativity to Shift Hearts

Creativity to Shift Hearts


by Dana Anne Hutchins

To live in a world where creativity reigns supreme is a place in our hearts that can exist today, if only we shift our perception about how we value our resources.

I want you to imagine a simple world where we carefully consider how we spend our resources of time, talent and energy. Where community and its relationships are put first. Where would you spend your time? What would you contribute to your community and the world? Would your time follow natural cycles or old paradigms?

From the food we put on our tables, to the products we need to build a foundation, to the value we place on creativity to teach, assist, lead and serve, we are called to shift the current paradigm to a new model of community that allows us to thrive with sustainability.

My model of a creative world invites you to design your own lifestyle in harmony with the cycles of nature. What would you offer the world in terms of creativity? What would be your idea of how the world would flow?

Here are some of my ideas:

1. Chain restaurants are replaced by independently owned entrepreneurs with unique ideas for presenting their food creations to their community.

2. National banks are replaced by community banks and credit unions that relish service and support of the dreams of individuals.

3. is sourced from independently owned grocery stores, local organic farmers, the community garden, and your own yard. All necessary food not available locally is sourced from farmer-owned cooperatives rather than corporations. We know where our food comes from, and we honor nature’s cycles that allow this bounty.

4. Commodities such as toys, clothing and accessories, furniture and textiles are creatively designed and manufactured locally and regionally, with an emphasis on artistry, quality and sustainability. Goods are shared globally and fairly and recognized for their contribution to our wellbeing, foundational needs, and ability to provide an opportunity for workers to grow in a craft that supports wisdom, creativity and intelligence.

5. Networks exist to provide the nation with advanced green technology that benefits our connection with the world, such as energy and communications through non-profit cooperatives. Scientists and laborers thrive in their teacher-student environment that fosters innovation and protection of the planet.

6. Advanced technology exists to replace labor requirements in manufacturing environments, limiting the need for tedious and harmful productivity by workers unsuited for positions that discourage creativity. An environment is created that allows a worker to balance labor with production that encourages real-time study of design, function and innovation. This concept can expand into all areas of labor and production, fostering a complimentary learning environment that enhances our understanding of systems and processes and their value in our future. 

It goes without saying that if we eat less rubbish, work less to buy things we don’t need, and spend within our communities, nobody will need to work a 50 hour work-week to buy the food we waste, purchase in excess, and rob impoverished nations of their dignity and decent wages.

Most of us agree that many of the things we take for granted are things that do not serve us. That excess is not only harmful to the earth but to our sense of perspective of the valued resources that enrich our lives. That corporations who serve the bottom line rather than the community pursue our fears and create a perception of lack, a perception that perpetuates an evil against humanity in parts of the world where those who are victimized for their societal structures fall to decay.

See Also

To live in a world where creativity reigns supreme means shifting our actions into harmony with our authentic ideals, those ideals that are not clouded by fear of lack.

This dream of living what you love extends throughout mankind. To love what you do in your work is to love the creativity of teaching critical thinking and wisdom, the creativity of providing intuitive and compassionate assistance, the creativity of inspired leadership, and the creativity of responsible service to expanding the human potential.

How can you live on less so that you can enjoy more? More time with family, friends and community. More time for spiritual practice. More time for love and beauty.

The world needs more teachers, healers, leaders, creators, artists, dreamers, activists and innovators. And that is what we ALL are. Not as a hobby. Not part time or on weekends or while daydreaming in the shower. Each of us is a laborer and a painter, a spiritual teacher and a scientist, a farmer and a healer, a servant and a leader.

I don’t have all the answers to the challenge of HOW to make our lives come into balance in a way that allows us to thrive and evolve. But I am not limited by fear that we cannot. And neither are you. Go forth with your ideas – and allow YOUR creativity to shift hearts.

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About the Author

Dana Anne Hutchins is a yogini, green activist, mentor, artist and spiritual teacher. Dana believes in the power of the local community to generate change that is powerful enough to influence the world. Learn more about Dana at Beyond Stillness – Spiritual Teaching with Angels: An integration of spiritual teaching, leadership, wisdom, beauty, balance and creativity, where students learn to become catalysts for new earth change. Dana also plays at Simple Creative Life, where she teaches strategies for living a balanced, intuitive life.

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