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Environmentalism — Why?

By William Bezanson

Many readers of OMTimes would likely call themselves environmentalists. They want to preserve the earth’s environment for future generations. They are perhaps angry, ashamed, and embarrassed about the mess that humankind is making of our precious island home. Their likely reason for cleaning up and saving the earth is the usual one: preserving it for our children and grandchildren.

But I have a different reason. I want to preserve and enhance the environment of the earth because I will be back. Yes, I’ll be back in my next incarnation, and I want the earth and humanity to be in good shape for me.

We all will be back, and that is the reason that I think that we all should be interested in environmentalism.

I’m probably preaching to the converted here. The great majority of OMTimes readers likely already believe in reincarnation. In my own case, I am convinced of its truth. (See my earlier article “Genealogy: Physical and Spiritual”.) So I want to “heal humanity” in preparation for my return to earth, around the 2080 timeframe.

But, you may ask, isn’t that selfish of me? Why do I put more priority on my own reincarnation than on having a good environment for my children and grandchildren? Am I being irresponsible?

I don’t ignore my offspring, but I extend my concerns for the future of our home planet beyond them to a bigger picture. I think that the very most important reason to care for our earth is that we will be back in future incarnations. (Even though many of us have previously incarnated on other planets, it is highly probable that we will continue to come back to earth for many more lives.)

The reason that I put such a high priority on this issue is that we each have an extremely important mission here on earth: we are co-creators of the World, along with God. Some of us are so far advanced spiritually—the adepts—that we can do highly effective co-creation during this lifetime. Others of us are less advanced, and still others are barely even started on the spiritual evolution path. For those of us who are less advanced than the adepts, it may not be until our next incarnation, or some later one, that we become effective with this Divine work. So, caring for the earth and working to enhance our capabilities in this and subsequent incarnations is indeed doing God’s work; they are not selfish motivations, but vital acts of altruism, for all of humankind.

It would be spiritually irresponsible to ignore the fact that we will be back, and that we want the earth to be in better shape for us, in order that we may have a healthy platform for accomplishing even more in the future than we have accomplished in the past.

Actually, it is more than the Earth for which we should work, but for the World. The earth is a physical thing. But the World is twofold: It consists of, first, the physical earth, and second, the spiritual consciousness of humankind and that of other life forms. This concept is similar to Teilhard’s notion of the Noosphere. So our work in co-creating with God is for more than the Earth, but for the World. And we do need a better World to do our Divine work.

See Also

But, you may respond, I am not a co-creator with God; I don’t know how to do that; In fact, I didn’t even ask to be born!

Well … Yes! You did ask to be born! When you lived on the spiritual plane between incarnations, you chose to be incarnated again, following the law of Karma. You did see the circumstances of your next birth, and you did cooperate with the Karmic process. You realized that the law of Karma had chosen that specific body and those specific circumstances as providing the optimum opportunity for your spiritual development. And co-creating the World along with God is one of the responsibilities that you accepted for your spiritual development.

So that is why I care for the World’s environment. I hope that this article is helpful for your own consideration about why you also should care for the World’s environment.

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About the Author

William Bezanson is a retired engineer who writes on systems design and world stewardship topics. His next book will be I Believe: A Rosicrucian Looks at Christianity and Spirituality, to be published in 2014. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada. To learn about his books, visit his website at

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