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Mercury In Cancer: Hopi Time Sublime

Mercury In Cancer: Hopi Time Sublime


Mercury In Cancer

On May 29th, we begin Mercury In Cancer: Mercury will enter the House of Cancer to embark us on a nebulous mental voyage into the depths of the past. This voyage will intensify on June 7th when Mercury begins its retrograde that will lead us back into Gemini on the 17th of June. After necessary mental reformatting Mercury will prograde in Gemini on May 31st and re-enter Cancer on July 13th for a final splash in the House of Life. Twists and turns of all kinds will soon be with our minds…

I predict the following while Mercury transits and retrogrades through Cancer and Gemini: ancient enlightenment, overdue family bonding, inspired investments and security measures, property renewal and complications, emergency travel, child welfare awareness, conflicts with matriarchs, nationalistic fervor, widespread technological and logistical complications, extreme mental convolution, dysfunctional emotional processing, and hard won mental refinement.

As this transit begins our minds will be inspired and drawn to focus on outstanding issues from our past that are in need of resolution. As this happens we are wise to invest mental energy into corrections, enhancements, preparations, and completions that fulfill our past divinely, thus releasing us from problematic entanglements and negative karma. Feel confident in remodeling, upgrades, and purchases that enhance comfort and security.

As the retrograde activates on the 7th be prepared for, cautious, and sensitive to unforeseen domestic challenges that arise. Family unity, cooperation, and support will be tested well through the 17th so be sure to give your best to your own blood or to the families whom God has created in spirit. The concept of spiritual family that transcends blood, space, and time will be growing in mind in the weeks ahead. Learn to recognize your spirit family when you see them. There is wealth, security, and wisdom with them…

A certain Hopi prophecy concerning Sirius, a legendary fixed star found in Cancer and sacred to Egypt, will begin to be fulfilled openly before every seeing eye. Rebirth and purification themes will become increasingly obvious throughout the world as an ancient blue ray washes through our war torn nations. Deep mysteries of the past will be made clear in knowledge and mystical experiences, to include dreams, to those who are perceptive, dedicated, and chosen to convey words of empowerment in times of great fear and change.

With Jupiter yet in Cancer, and with this Mercury transit carrying us into the New Moon in Cancer, the stars reveal that our focus should be upon domestic empowerment, family healing, valuable transmutations, wise investments, and close, life nurturing collaboration with members of our traditional, extended, and spiritual families. Fortunes will turn to fire later in the year but for now the great blessings will come through nourishment of the sensitive and sacred areas of our lives.

On June 17th Mercury will regress into Gemini to amplify thought pattern transformations that will develop mental brilliance, freedom, and power. Blocks and corruptions that exist will be laid bare for us to perceive so that we, in higher consciousness, can correct and polish our minds to perform in new excellence. Between the 17th and 31st of June use peace, logic, and patience to traverse extraordinary complications with finesse.

Mercury’s re-entry into Cancer on July 13th will precede epic events of divine magnitude that will come by Jupiter’s entry into Leo on July 16th, Saturn’s prograde in Scorpio on July 20th, and the Uranus retrograde in Aries of July 22nd. Natural instincts will be divinely enhanced at this time as a form of grace so that we migrate into blessed new realities in harmony with the new energies that will enter. In the weeks preceding meditate on instincts, their development, and their mysterious value in life. Instincts can mean the difference between life and death…

A humble request from the author: love those from your past and help them as they appear during this Mercury transit and retrograde. Your actions with them can poise them for great gains this summer and fall amidst a powerful new energetic climate here on Earth. Honor nostalgic moments and joyous memories to build upon what was created in the past that yet has value and potential for the future. Use logic and prudence to navigate rough waters and don’t let your past get the best of you…

See Also
2022 Cancer New Moon

The past returns for us to see with wisdom gained from the Hopi. An ancient star bright blue in hue and Isis loves it through and through. A cosmic war unfolds today with futures shattered to dismay. Plans are known and marked for death and I have bested Saturn’s tests. I count my stars and do my math and wisdom guides me on my path.

I’m deep you know? These words can’t show. I hope my words make your brain glow. They’re better in the future though when certain things have come and go. Mercury makes my mind speed, don’t eat it though or you might bleed. It’s fun for me to do this deed, I plant my stars and call them seeds. No trace of greed be found in me, I light my mind and share it free. I cast the fire, it’s what He wants, and devils know that my words haunt. And that’s my taunt, you know the rest, one day perhaps I’ll be the best.

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