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Chronos and Kairos: Timely Compassion

Chronos and Kairos: Timely Compassion


There are those who warn us, “don’t look back” unless you want to become a pillar of salt. Then there are others who see rear-view glances as a waste of time, locking us in an unproductive, “shoulda-woulda-coulda” mode. The cliché, “hindsight is 20/20,” illustrates the futility of over-examining past decisions.

Other spiritual perspectives give much attention to our use of time. In leading us toward the elusive state of happiness, the Buddha instructs us to look neither back nor forward, and to choose, instead, living in the moment without regret and expectation. -But isn’t a backward look sometimes useful for self-growth? And isn’t the end of the year the ideal time to reflect?

There is a difference between living in the past and using the past as learning tool to become better versions of who we are. Time does serve a purpose in self-assessment. Moving from one challenging phase into stillness, where we chart our next step, positions us on either side of significant thresholds where we can ask pointed questions:

~Did I make a difference in the lives of others?

~Did I develop my gifts and use them wisely?

~Where have I missed opportunities?

~What would I still like to accomplish in the time I have left?

~For what am I sorry, and how can I compensate or make amends?

Such questions mean prioritizing, reshuffling, and discarding. The end of the calendar year is a prime time to recollect changeable attitude and develop fresh approaches.


Chronos and Kairos in History

Early Christianity understood the imperative of time on a physical and spiritual level, distinguishing the duality of the ephemeral and eternal through specific language, in Greek, chronos and kairos. Chronos is the linear schedule of time: minutes, days, months, years; measurable in digits; the temporal plane of earthly existence. Kairos is connected to the spiritual plane: the Godly, unrestricted permanent level of existence; eternal life without edges; those rare and delicious moments of grace that merge us with God energy even in the physical world. We conduct our daily activities, sometimes mechanically, in chronos, but meditate and stand in holy energy when we operate in kairos.

Strong’s Bible Concordance gives us clear examples of how these intersect. In Galatians 6:10, Paul writes, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people….” Having time is chronos, but doing Divine work is kairos. elaborates, “Each word of truth, each act of solidarity and each step of justice, reinforces hope and nurtures the movement of people that will make ‘another world possible’. Kairos, the word, is an invitation to action.” When we call for justice, we act in kairos.

It is here where we activate our Christ-consciousness: the compassion, generosity, unconditional love-characteristics we wish to realize here and now. As the chronological year ends and the new year begins, we can elevate our walk by activating the God within. If that means looking backward to see those missed opportunities and re-frame them in kairos perspective as we progress in our journeys, then why not?


How to Act with Chronos and Kairos

Here’s an assessment to help you see where you can nourish particular areas of your life, and subsequently the lives of others, with more light:

1. Where have you given into to anger? What alternatives can you see now?

2. Where have you turned down an opportunity to help another person?

3. Where have you hurt yourself by neglect, or some form of self-deprivation? Honoring and nurturing yourself is a necessary step in being whole.

4. On the other hand, where have you been selfish, jealous, or indifferent?

See Also
Birth Order

The truth is that in our world we need to live in chronos increments, but we can choose to integrate kairos moments. Here’s a start:

1. What can I do to improve the life of another being?

2. What actions can I take in my daily life to give it more meaning?

3. What one act of kindness can I offer to someone today?

4. How can I best express my inner gratitude in the outer world?

Every small step we take toward bringing that God energy into human interaction moves us closer toward wholeness.

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About the Author

Lisa Shaw is an animal communicator, spiritual counselor, writer, and professor who lives in South Florida with her four animals. Her e-book, Illumination: Life Lessons from our Animal Companions, is available for download on Amazon Kindle. Her website is

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