Knowing the Archangels

by Carmen Vasquez
Before talking about Archangels, let me define in my terms who Angels are. An Angel is a celestial being who has not ego, is nonphysical and works as a messenger of God.
Angels are different from departed ones like relatives or friends. There is not problem if you keep having communication with those loved ones, but if you want to get direct Divine guidance is better if you focus your prayers to God and your Angels since the departed ones are still souls with human experiences having ego energies still attached.
According to history, religions and the study of Angelology, there are nine choirs of Angels: Seraphin, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels. Today I am going to focus in some of the Archangels who are serving the Earth during this transition and boost of energy we are all facing nowadays.
Archangels are called the Angels’ managers; they are the most involved with helping Earth along with Guardian Angels.
Archangels are extremely powerful celestial beings, even though they have no gender, their energy can be recognized as a feminine or masculine one. As soon as you start having a close relationship with them, they can appear in your life and being noticed in different ways, you will know how to recognize their energy, as their lovely presence is unique.
Each Archangel has a specialty and represents an aspect of God. They support and help any individual regardless any religious background. They can be simultaneously in different places since they are beyond space and time.
There are many Archangels who exist, but I am going to mention just the ones who are supporting more and more Planet Earth during these times.
Who’s Who Among the Archangels
Archangel Michael: His name means “He who is as God”. He is the Archangel or Archangels, he has being helping Planet Earth since the beginning of creation and is the justice warrior and the one who removes the effects of fear. Archangel Michael supports the Divine mission of each of us, is the one who protects us and also who defends and fights for our truth.
Archangel Metatron: His name means “Angel of the Presence”. Metatron is the Archangel in charge of children with missions and gifts. He also guides anyone towards the beginning of any spiritual journey. Archangel Metatron supports children a lot, keeping their spiritual gifts awake and supporting them with school issues.
Archangel Chamuel: His name means “He who sees God” He is the Angel of love in all aspects of our lives, including harmony and balance. Call upon him if you are in search of a new relationship, friends, or a job, since love is everything working in perfection.
Archangel Gabriel: Her name means “God is my Strength” Gabriel is usually recognized as a feminine energy and is in charge of any child conception, adoption and pregnancy. This lovely Angel is the messenger who inspires writers, teachers, journalists, or any other people doing a related job. If you feel you are procrastinating, this is the Archangel to call upon for help and assistance in being strong and go out to deliver your messages.
Archangel Jophiel: Her name means “Beauty of God”. Jophiel is also recognized as a feminine energy and is the one in charge of beauty, artistic projects, cleansing, decoration, or anything related to the beauty and comfort area.
Archangel Uriel: His name means “God is Light”. This is the Angel that helps to solve any situation that needs illumination and guidance. If you feel sticky or making circles around the same point, call upon him and ask for clear messages to find answers and make decisions. Uriel also helps those in need of intellectual assistance.
Archangel Raphael: His name means “God Heal”. He is in charge of any physical, emotional or spiritual healing. He is the one who supports and over-watches people working in the medical field. Also, he accompanies all travelers; call his assistance before going on a trip and you will have a harmonious and safe journey.
Archangel Ariel: Her name means “Lion of God”. Ariel is in charge of all the elementals’ kingdom such fairies, mermaids, and gnomes. Her energy is most feminine and takes care of all environmental concerns and animals.
Archangel Nathaniel: His energy is fast and strong like fire. Archangel Nathaniel manifests your intentions and motivates you. If you are in need of rapid changes you’re not able to manage this is the Angel to call upon; Archangel Nathaniel is about big change and a big desire to have it happen now. When you call on him, change right away will take place.
As I mentioned before, there are more Archangels but it would be long to explain each of them here. Even though they are in charge of specific things, they can assist you with anything, no matter what their particular mission is.
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About the Author
Carmen Vasquez is the author of many inspirational, motivational and Angelical books that always give positive messages to people. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine and founder, along with her husband, of Journey Angels and A Way Of Life; both companies’ main purpose is to inspire people to believe and create from the positive the life they actually were born to live. She’s a mom of three beautiful Angels and is happily married; they live in the East Coast of the U.S.A.

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