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Dealing with a Strict Inner Teacher through Angel Study

Dealing with a Strict Inner Teacher through Angel Study

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Your inner teacher doesn’t need to be strict for you to learn what you need to learn.

A Really Strict Teacher

by Kaya & Christiane MullerOMTimes Digital eZineA mother of 6 children shared with us the experience and signs she receives with her children – a family that is learning to live in angelic conscience every second of their life.

Here is one of their life experiences:

 “One evening, after the children had gone to bed, I heard someone crying. I went up to the room the crying was coming from, and there I found my daughter Clara awake and in tears.

The evening is a good time to share deeply about life with my eldest child, my 9-year-old daughter; it’s when she leaves her sometimes over-intense emissivity aside and becomes receptive and listens attentively to symbolic stories and teachings. Hence parts of her unconscious resurface, and they are magnificent tools to help her grow up well.

That evening, it was an incident that had occurred in her computer class during the day that had resurfaced and was upsetting her. She explained to me that she had made a mistake: instead of entering the school address, she had entered her home address, which had blocked her computer and she hadn’t been able to connect to the school network. She told me she hadn’t dared tell the teacher because he was really strict. Together we simply took the time to analyze the resonance there was what had happened to help her understand why she was crying so much.

Like in a dream, we can analyze situations that we encounter in our daily life, and we can understand them in depth via symbolic language and work with Traditional Angel Study. Thus the teacher represents part of her that teaches her, but not in a positive way since she is so afraid of him that she can’t admit her learning mistakes. I was able to tell my daughter Clara that she had a part within her that was too demanding, that really lacked gentleness, so it wasn’t nice and gentle with her, and, like in a dream, that’s why she had attracted a teacher that was too strict. It was as though she’d hit herself over the head because she’d made a mistake and it hurt; it hurt so much that it was making her cry now.

She looked at me and said, “What I like about you, Mom, is that what seems unimportant to others is always important to you. You understand that what I feel in my heart and energy can be really intense for me.” And she added, “It’s true, you know; lots of people would say, ‘It’s nothing, Clara! You just made a mistake; your teacher won’t do anything to you. Hey, come on! It’ll pass! It’s nothing!’ But you always listen to me, and you really explain to me what’s happening to me. It really helps me to understand that it comes from the memories that I need to work on because I know I can. I have attracted that teacher because I am strict also with myself. If I have put the home address instead of the school address… maybe it is because you are my best teacher!”

We ended by explaining that what happens to us, what we live and experience is always the materialization of our own conscience, that life is like a dream, that we attract what we are, and that always serves to awaken blocks of memories within us. It’s true that the computer mistake wasn’t very serious at all but the memories that it had awakened in her were very strong and upsetting. If we don’t deal with them, sooner or later, they will create difficulties in our life, and when we grow up and become an adult, these difficulties always become even greater. So how do we deal with them? How can we cleanse and transcend them? I advised Clara to invoke Angel 9 Haziel, to tell her inner teacher over and over again to be nice and gentle with her, and to do this as soon as she feels her strict inner teacher manifest with herself or with her brothers and sisters and friends.

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About the Author

For more info on Kaya & Christiane Muller: UCM Teaching and Research Center,


The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets by Kaya & Christiane Muller

The Book of Angels, The Divine Couple by Kaya & Christiane Muller

See Also

The Dictionary, The Source Code, Dreams–Signs–Symbols by Kaya

Becoming an Angel, The Path to Enlightenment, Autobiography by Kaya

Angelica Yoga, Introduction by Kaya & Christiane Muller

The Spiritual Diary of a Nine-Year-Old Child by Kasara

In the Land of Blue Skies by Kaya & Christiane Muller; illustrated by Gabriell

 Also: The 72 Angel Cards (with explanatory booklet) by Kaya & Christiane Muller

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